Chapter 6

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Why did she kissed the corner of my lips?

Few hours ago, these four walls had an ample show of its own and I am not to pry or brag, either way, it quite really did a go and left a mark. The game was obvious but I warned myself on the pros and cons of this game that requires dancing between blurred lines not to mention that it's quite trotting down the road.

After wallowing on that fervor seconds, I now sat in front of my laptop browsing on my Tumblr for plausible distaction. Going over blogs that was posted by the ones I follow, clicking a few notes on posted blogs, I kept going then a GIF of couple kissing and he nibbled his girlfriends lower lip constantly which knocked me off over social media.

"I'm home!" Amethyst barged in with her extra large duffel back with a heavy sigh hauling her it on her bed then plopping herself into my bed like she always do whenever she comes home from an exhausting trip.

Her face lingered on my pillow, she was accustomed into it and later on she will be complaining about my sweet scent, waiting for her sentimental complaints, I sat indian style on my swivel chair.

"You bitch!" She binge on getting up before throwing her head dramaticaly towards my direction and flipping her hair like a diva.

"What?" my brows scrunched with her accusing glare and my shoulders squared like a second nature when placed on a spot light.

"Who's been here?" Her head lumbered, eyes narrowed, her tone was laced  with suspicion confident enough to muster an honest answer.

"Why?" My voice was octaves lower as I slouch more on my swivel as she interrogate me sporadically.

"Tell me girl, I know someone came in." She threw my pillow on me scathingly, the soft thing collided in my thin skin so as a defensive reflex, my breath hitched inhaling the familiar minty smell.

Oh shit! This is why! She left her scent on my pillow.

"Spill it!" She squealed prompting on her legs with glittering wide eyes, like a movie's gonna play on a premier any time soon. I've been in this spot before but not with Kirsten, it's with Akisha.

Staring over her shoulder blankly, I tripped on the memory lane in a matter of split second and I felt a jab right into my chest with a massive goose bumps.

"Fuck it Kish, you can't just break up with me because you are freaking scared! And we've been through this thing a lot of times! So don't give me shit. I promised to stick with you with this remember? So please! Don't do this to me, to us."

A tear mapped down her pink cheeks as she kept her gaze on down low to avoid my orbs coz I know and she knows that I can make her change her mind if she just look through me which she never did.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled and pushed my hand off of hers and turned back to walk away without looking at my eyes even though how much I pleaded.

That day, it seemed like the day grieve with me as my heart shattered into shards and splinters into my chest, I stood there dumbfounded with a heavy head troubled on how to wrap my head around the break up.

She broke up with me.

The blue sky turned into dark clouds, low thunders cluttered, one, two, three drops of rain that turned into billions, trillions? The cold drops of rain washed over my endless trail of tears. Sobs was inaudible against the pouring rain and I lost count of how long was I been standing there. On a Thursday afternoon.

"Are you alright?" Amethyst sat infront of me snapping fingers right next to my face, her excited façade was now replaced with uncanningly worried expression.

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