Chapter 22

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A/N: here you go, this is for the horny hormones out there. Lol. Forgive me for the errors.

Kirsten's POV

"Remind me again why I agreed on this?" We were both looking out the dark tinted window of his car waiting for an appearance.

"Oh shush!" I spat him and glued my gaze on the black iron gate wistful of the presence we are here for. I can feel my heart beating so frantic that even a little noise would manage to make me jump.

Only the patterned patting of Taylor's hands on the stirring wheel was heard which kind of matched my heartbeat.

"It's opening!" My heart almost leapt out off my chest with Taylor's sudden announcement and he immediately straightened on his seat.

I swallowed hard like my tongue went with it and I tried my best to regulate my breathing. "Stay here and don't ever get out no matter what." Without waiting for his response, I threw myself out and trudged towards the woman who just came out of the gate.

"Eliza!" She stopped on her tracks and slide down her sun glasses to the bridge of her nose.

"Oh hi there, little sister." She smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

Little sister?

"Why are you doing this?" It came out calmly than I expected but it earned a sarcastic laugh from her.

"Doing what, little sister?" She raised an eye brow and picked on her nails like a bitch bored of fuck.

"This!" I gestured the luxurious house behind her knowing well where it came from. The car in front of us screaming it's value.

"Listen," she took a couple of steps forward which made my heart felt like it rose to my throat and it got stuck there. "You don't come here and boss me around. And whatever I wanna do with my life," She shook her head. "It's none of your business." She snapped and I felt her finger nudging my shoulder forcefully which made me step back. Her face hardened and her eyes were hooded indignantly.

"Was your mistake from the past isn't enough?" I hissed.

Her eyes shot back to me with a sharp glare. "You mean, you?" It rolled off her tongue like it meant nothing. It made me felt like a worthless piece of thing. I felt my eyes sting of what she implied.

"You don't know what you're doing. You're wrecking a family!" I scoffed and I felt the first tear roll down. Allistair came to my mind and a jolt of guilt bathed me.

"Oh," She laughed humorless with her hand flailing on the air. "You don't know shit, Kirsten!" Then she rushed on her car and sped off leaving me behind.

"Hey," a firm hand slung securely around my shoulder dragging me gently back to the car. "You okay, Lizzy?"

"Take me home, please. " He just nod and clambered in. The whole drive to my place was relatively silent until I was left alone at home. The silence was deafening after Taylor went home as I instructed.

Why is it that every time I feel like my life has taken one step forward, I always find myself taking two steps backward. There's always something that ruins the good things I have made and it manage to wreck it all at once with one single blow.

I feel like I'm stuck on a Web that one single move, I'll be swallowed alive. I'm always stuck on the loose end of everything.

I thought moving out will make things a little better. I thought avoiding them all will make me feel less miserable. But I think I'm wrong coz it didn't changed the fact who I really am. I felt like a stranger calling mom and dad as my parents when they're clearly not. I hated who I am and I still do.

My Crazy Love Affair (gxg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin