Chapter 20

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"It's not your fault, you know that, right?" Taylor's voice resonated at the other line while I shifted on my feet feeling my composure slipping off gradually. I brought my fingers up to massage my temples. Guilt has been bathing me ever since I came back home from my best friend's birthday party.

"You don't understand, Tay." I hissed with a growing frustration. "After everything that you told me about on how your sister took in the blow of your father's explicit affair, I felt bad whenever she looked at me completely clueless!" I argued.

"Okay, let's put that in discretion but how was it your fault?" My mind had been cluttered for the past three days and it's affecting my work. I hadn't been able to talk to Allistair too and Taylor still doesn't know about my relationship with his little sister.

"Because it's just is! God, I don't even know why you're still friends with me after you found out!" I scoffed but he just laughed at my deplorable state.

"Because it isn't your fault! We've been running into circles for almost an hour now, Lizzy and we keep on going back to a firm fact that you've got nothing to do with the whole thing, trust me." He chuckled which made me more anxious.

"What if..."

"Nope! Na Uh. Enough. Breathe with me, okay?" He started a calm breathing pattern that I followed eventually. "Okay, we're good, don't stress yourself too much of it, a'right?"

I nodded though he can't see me. "Thank you, Tay." I closed my eyes, the revelation has pretty caved in in my head and it successfully got the best of me.

"Anytime, Lizzy." For the first time within four days, I yawned out of exhaustion and my body was pleading for sleep so I succumb into slumber.

The next morning, I woke up surprisingly good. Maybe because of a good night sleep. Kicking my day off, I went straight to shower and get dressed for work. I need to get back on track and pick up to where I have left off.

Checking my phone for the first time today, I frowned for the lack of notification from the girl I was expecting a text from. It's been three days since she last sent me a message and I'm starting to miss her.

I dialled her number and waited for a while.

"Hi." I greeted her but it was silent for a while so I peeled my phone off my ear to make sure my call went through and so it did so I brought it back close to me ear.

"Hey." She drawled and I felt disappointed. I waited for her to speak but she didn't.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Problem? After you dodged my calls and texts for a couple of days and you being a tad distant? No, everything is perfectly fine, Elizabeth." She mumbled incredulously followed by a wrenching silence.

"I'm sorry but I didn't mean to. I was just trying to figure something personal. And I thought you needed some alone time so I just thought..."

"Yeah you thought," She cut me out spiteful. "You could've just told me instead of leaving me hanging speculating stupid things of why you're exuding such behavior. And I thought that's what I was here for; to help you figure things out but it seems so personal that only your best friend has to know so go figure it out with Taylor. He might be of great help." Then she hung up on me.

I closed my eyes clearly not expecting our conversation to go straight downhill. My good morning turned sour and I am to blame. She saw me unloading things to Taylor and I deprived her of any word about it well it's supposed to be her who deserves an explanation.

I went back to my walk in closet and took off my working clothes and went for a casual one. I'd skip work for today and fix this mess.

I put on my high waisted denim shorts and a plain yellow shirt, letting my brown locks cascade over my shoulder, I grabbed my keys and went out.

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