Chapter 13

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"Did you know that blurry photos are the most beautiful ones?" Between her curled up legs, buried into the warmth of her body and cradled by her slim arms, that's where I am. My head nestled into her neck. Her phone sat securely on my hands and fingers gliding one photo to another.

"Lizzy! Are you even listening?" I was pulled off by the loop I got sucked into with the familiar yet uncomfortable pet name I once got used to. A nickname that entails thousands of memory that links two people from parallel universe.

"What?" I am here seated on Jacob's favorite spot of the café with someone else and there is this evident knot in my stomach.

"I guess you don't miss me at all." his eyes were dull and speaks right through. "I was asking if you ever missed me coz I miss you so much." the smell of the vanilla latte in front of us snaps me off the train of conversation and brought me to another timeline.

The scent of the coffee and the creamer all merging into a steam of thought.

This is Allistair's favorite flavor.

"They are the most intriguing ones. You have to look at it, let your eyes linger a little longer. There is something in it that fascinates the eyes. But no matter how you stare, it is still blurry. It keeps its mystery yet conveys its elegance making it more precious. You are like a blurry photo Elizabeth. No matter how I look at you, I can't have you figured out coz it never cease, the mysterious look in your eyes. Something that intrigues me, something that fascinates me. I'm so whipped." she chuckled half- heartedly and kissed my palm.

"I've been trying to call you but you keep on dodging my calls. I've been trying to get ahold of you these past few weeks but you are ignoring all my text. Please, let's make things work." he pleaded with denial despair.

His wavy locks bobbing back and forth as he ducks his head down and rakes it back to his head. He had grown older, the rough bumbs around his face contributed to his rugged demeanor. He is not the same 27-year old guy I dated months ago. His confidence  was constantly depleting with the dark and dull shade shadowing his eyes.

Another strive of strong scent of the caffeinated drink lost me in my chain of memory.

"You are like a cold coffee in the morning." she mumbled in my ear and it brought shiver all over my body but I smiled remembering that was from Ed Sheeran's song.

"And why is that?" I kinked an eye brow and looked at her over my shoulder whilst her hands were snaked tightly around my waist.

"Because hot coffee warms and comforts the stomach and you..." she shook her head. "...being a cold coffee, shocks my body awake and desolves my comfort coz you cause panic and inner turmoil that makes me wanna jump up in the roof."

Rough and big hands enveloped my little ones and it felt so unfamiliar being held by once became my refuge.

"Can I take back what I said 7 months ago?" he shook his head but I withdrew my hands before he even warms it up. "I can't just be your friend, Lizzy. I can't."

"Do you want me more than just a friend? Or only just a friend? Please tell me before I fall for you totally coz once I fall, I fall hard, really hard." our intertwined fingers reflected against her translucent brown eyes as she speaks.

Instead of saying the words, I opted to act on it and freed my hands from hers so I can snuggle on her neck and placed a feverish light kisses that sent her tensed under my touch.

"Kiss me light if it's a no, bite me if it's a yes."

"Please say something, Lizzy. You are driving me insane. Please?" he begged but I can't conjure anything in return instead, I just gave him an empty stare and my mind is elsewhere. I don't remember what came into me that I even agreed to meet up after we decided it quits.

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