Chapter 24

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A/N: shout out to the baes who wished me happy birthday and tadah!  Here's a short update y'all nuggets.


I can put a finger on what body part aches and is shaking cause I honestly feel my body trembling and the tremor inside of my stomach was getting harder and harder. My heart was angry with my ribs and it seems to break it at any second. Every vein in my body was thumping and I feel like my throat was sprinkled with pebbles making it so difficult to gulp. My hands are damp and wet like a spring of water pulled out from the ground.

I never thought standing in front of this iron wrought gate would be this nostalgic; different kind of emotion and stress surges my small frame making it almost unbearable.

The doorbell just went off and I can see the knob of the door turning into an open. The opening door spurts a string line of light coming from the inside that can be compared into a light coming from a sunrise.

A man in his early forthys wearing a beige drawstring pants topped with white v-neck shirt came out. His hair brown hair was falling into his forehead. His jaw down to his chin was a bit rubble evidently he haven't shaved in a while.

Holding a barbie on his hand, a pink string was ribboned around his neck and above his waist was as same color of a cape. He was barefooted.

"How may I help you, miss?" His eyes were as brown as mine but his was warmer. He has this fatherly aura oozing from him.

I unconsciously looked at his hands, his neck and lastly, my pools ended up on his barefoot. His toes were identical to mine. His thumb on his hands were the same to mine too.

"Oh, I'm not crazy," He chuckled in a low masculine voice. "I'm playing with my daughter."

My well rehearsed speech went down the drain the instant I met his gaze. My body tremors went instantly numb.  I can't feel my face suddenly.

"Alonzo Morgado." I murmured. Just as my voice went out, my tears came as well. Gaining the sensation on my arms, I hastily wiped off the stray tears that are giving me away.

"Yes? That's me." His smile was replaced with an empathetic and concerned look. I saw him make a step forward and it brought shocks to my body.

"I- I. ..uh...uhm... I just... I." I closed my eyes and felt my knees nearly giving up on me. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard as I try to compose my broken state of mind.

"Eliza Sistro." Was all I was able to say and I saw it with my two very own eyes. It's like a switch and his eyes went from warm to stark and full of animosity.

"I'm sorry?" His jaws are now clenched and the barbie he was holding was clasped on tightly. His eyes are now squinted and lips are tight.

"I'm Kirsten Sistro." I croaked.

His shoulders tensed up upon the mention of my name.

Did he know me?

"Am sorry, I don't follow." I wish we were on the same page right now cause this is the last thing I ever wanted; stating over again the time line of my life where I wished I never existed. The struggle to admit it to someone for the first time and tell the story of my life is a struggle I always hated.

"I'm sorry. I just... I think... I must go." I turned around and rushed over my car across the street.

My ears were ringing and my eyes were wide. I felt like I was bathed with ice cold water as the loud honking of the car that just passed by subsided.

A warm hand gripping my arm brought me back to reality. I felt connected for the first time in my life. The strange yet surreal feeling was now overwhelming me and I don't know how to react. I feel my walls crumbling down like dust in a puddle of mud.

"Are you okay?" His voice was laced with worry though I know it was just because of me being almost getting ran over by a car.

"Yeah. Thank you. I-I. .. I gotta... I need to... I'll go." But he doesn't let go of my arm but rather he watch me closely like reading my face. Like picking on the things that looks familiar to him.

"Oh God." He mumbled locking our gaze on a questioning demeanor. "She said she aborted you."

I am not sure when did my tears freely flown down but I'm sure they won't stop any sooner. I felt hurt but acknowledged for the first time. I felt like I could finally have a place in this world. I felt like for the first time, I know now where I got my DNA from.

"Oh my God." I can't read if he's happy or sad. I don't know if he's angry or betrayed. I can't read his eyes. They wore the same expressions as much as mine does.

"I'm sorry for coming." For the first time ever since I showed up in front of his doorstep, I formed the first coherent sentence.

"No, don't be. I just... I can't believe it. All along I thought you never existed. God, if only I knew, I would have kept you in a heartbeat." His first tear rolled down his cheeks and I honestly don't know what to feel and am at lost of words. We just stood there and let the tears pour out.

"Daddy!" A high pitch voice broke our solemn moment and both of our head shot back to its source.

Under the door frame was about around 4 years old girl with curly hair wearing a golden tiara. Tucked underneath her arm was a bigger doll. She was wearing a pink tutu dress.

"I should go." I mumbled with the fear of breaching his now private life with his daughter that's technically my half sister.

"Wait, we should meet again." I saw him plea with his eyes and knowing I need answers, I nodded.

"Just go to Zafron. The restaurant slash coffee shop? You can find me there." Then I walked towards my car without looking back. I felt envious with the years I got to spent clueless that I was missing half of my life.

I heard him coo his daughter and there was a dull ache on my chest. Would he do the same if I were that kid? What does it feels like?

My Crazy Love Affair (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon