Hope 27 : Tomorrow Brings Them True

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"Hello, there." Dahlia extended her warmest welcome that was accompanied by a strange smile. At first, I thought that she would shut the door after Rebekah but instead, strangely again, she held it open for me as well.

"Aren't you going to come inside, Niklaus?" All these times, when I was in alliance with her, she never once spared me a clue about her residence and now, she herself was inviting me in. 

How so very polite!

"Thank you very much, Dahlia." I presented my friendliest smile and stepped inside her gingerbread house. 

To be honest, it wasn't as eerie or mysterious as I assumed it to be. There weren't any suspicious voodoo dolls hanging on preserved metacarpals by the fireplace or an enormous cauldron to boil children alive either. Instead, the house seemed rather neat and well managed.

"Not your typical depiction of the Dark One's Dungeon, is it?" She walked ahead without sparing me a second glance.

Everything appeared rather normal, like any other ageing spinster's house. Out of a recently developed habit, I kept checking my phone several times but there were still no messages from Giselle. Honestly, I don't even know why all of a sudden, she decided to allow Dahlia to treat Rebekah. Despite knowing the very fact, that I don't trust any witch except herself. Not even the Anchor she'd been mingling with.

"Dahlia is family too, Nik. Let's just- Let's give her a chance to handle Rebekah while I handle my own. I'm afraid I might worsen her state with my shortcomings." That was her only explanation.

"Here, have some tea." Dahlia placed a tray of teacups and began to serve the beverage like any decent host. 

Chamomile tea. Herbs. Giselle's shampoo. Bloody hell! I couldn't possibly get her out of my mind.

"So... shall we start our therapy, Rebekah?"

My sister threw me an uneasy glance before slowly standing up. She was practically signalling me to follow but I also have to check up on Giselle. Considering I was well aware that Giselle wanted to handle this by herself, I decided it's better not to interrupt whatever she had going on.

"Erhem... Dahlia! I think I'd like to accompany Rebekah, only if you don't mind, of course?" A sliver of unease shuffled through my aunt's eyes but she masked it away with a smile.

"Oh, absolutely."

We trailed a little behind her until she stopped at an empty corridor that ended with two dark doors. I noticed one of them being locked while she opened the other for us to enter. A small spark of curiosity tickled my brain to investigate the chamber of secret but I was well aware that a dark witch wouldn't simply dare to bring us into her den without securing her secrets with the strongest magic. As we entered the other room, the first thing that caught my attention was the totally strange choice of furniture set in the centre. 

It was a beautifully handcrafted narrow framework with white sheets that were encased by flawless glass. Though the piece of custom-made bed appeared rather elegant, it seemed more like a nightmarish coffin for even a claustrophobic's corpse.

"I guess, Snow White and the Evil Queen weren't fiction after all..." Rebekah whispered as I chuckled a little.

I settled down on a nearby stool and opted to observe Dahlia's actions in silence. She guided Rebekah to slowly lay down in that cramped space and covered the glass shield over the furniture.

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