Hope 22 : When I Fall

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"Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry...
The good and the bad times
We've been through them all
You make me rise when I.. Fall..."

I was singing with all my heart while my fingers danced gracefully on the piano under his guidance. I couldn't believe my own ears. The melody I was playing sounded mesmerizing but it wasn't just me alone. I shifted to my right a little, only to get my cheeks assaulted by the soft, tiny strands of his facial hair.

"You're stubble... It is poking my skin." I murmured without looking at him.

He chuckled near my ear before withdrawing his hands from over mine and the instrument. Actually, it was him, who was playing the harmony through my fingers. And I certainly knew that I could never produce such breathtaking music by myself. He wrapped his arms securely around my waist and began placing lingering kisses on my exposed shoulder blade.

I smiled loving the taste of that intimacy and how it never ceases to seduce me even after years. His lips rained soft kisses up till my jawline and stopped at my chin. Just when I intended to speak, his right arm passed across my chest and caressed my face, as I turned to meet his eyes. Our gazes locked for a few seconds before he flashed his mischievous smirk.

"Does this hurt, angel?" He claimed in his husky voice.

But before I could respond, his lips crashed over mine. So deeply and desperately. He gave me no time to overtake while he pulled my hair back and let his tongue touch mine. Deepening the smooch on his own terms. After breaking the kiss, he granted his cheeks to brush mine in slow motion. His facial hair poked my skin but I liked the pain. It felt ticklish.

"It doesn't hurt, Nik... You never hurt me." He smiled and kissed my cheek again.

"I know, angel. And I also know, that you, my love, will never hurt me either. Now... Let's complete this melody, shall we?" He freed me from the embrace and continued the harmony while I sang the rest of the song.

"Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling
And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beats fast
I want this to last...
Need you by my side..."


The melodious rhythm switched into a high pitched chorus and blasted painfully in my eardrums. Crashing into my sweet dream and wretched me back to reality. I tried to block my ears by stuffing my fingers in but something was in the way. I groped the solid material with my eyes still shut tight, and it felt almost like an earphone. Snatching it away from my ears, I tried to fall back into slumber and continue the rest of my dream.

"If you're still not going to wake up, then I'll have to suffocate you with a pillow, little Strega!" A familiar voice whispered in my ears and I recognised the person without having to open my eyes.

"Go away, Elijah! Let me sleep!" I swatted the empty air away and turned on my belly. How naive of me to think that he would actually leave when I heard him sigh. But instead, he began tickling me.

Shattering Hopes and Eternity (Klaus Fanfic) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ