Hope 5 : Hello, Love

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Every single person in that room was literally staring at me with their mouth hanging wide open. They looked so shocked as though I had walked right out of a coffin. Except for Bonnie Bennett. She was the only one with a neutral expression on her face and I could instantly notice how she did resemble Emily a little. However, the silent treatment and staring game were killing me already. Since I was never so good with ice breaking, I turned towards my 'friend' who brought me there and nudged her arms.

"Bex, they're creeping the hell out of me!"

I whispered but she didn't even bother to glance up from her cell phone. Although I really wanted to dismantle that device from distracting her, I still couldn't help but notice how disturbed she looked. She has been trying to call someone since we left the airport and I don't think she's getting any response from them. Giving up on her assistance, I decided to take things into my own hands. Right away, I motioned at the nearest chair and it flew straight to Stefan Salvatore's face. Hitting him square on his sculptured nose.

"Ouch! Ouch, that hurts!" He covered his bleeding nose and began to groan in pain as a blonde vampire reached out to him in a flip. Since my magic was special, neither the bleeding nor the pain did stop. So, I chose to let him suffer for a while. However, my little attack on him caused Damon to charge at me in response.

"What the hell are y..." Knowing the speed advantage that his vampirism bestowed, I quickly decided to use my gift too. Badly for him, mine was way more powerful than his. By which, it only took me a single snap of my fingers to freeze him like a statue. A very hot statute, to be honest. Smiling triumphantly, I strolled over to him and ruffled his hair.

"Protecting the little brother, are we? Aww... So adorable!" Although I could see that he was 100% annoyed, I still chose to ignore that and left him frozen for storming at me.

"Wow, that's impressive!" Bonnie observed his state with a teasing smirk as she held out her hand to me.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Giselle Strega." She reminded me how the Bennetts were always the friendliest of all. As I held her hand I could feel her immense aura, very strong and solid just like my own. A sudden jolt of power struck my senses, as they recognized our anonymous teamwork from before and like I guessed, the Bennett witch realized the connection too.

"You too, Bonnie and please just call me Giselle, okay?" She smiled genuinely before gesturing towards the blonde from earlier.

"This is Caroline Forbes by the way. My best friend."

"Hello to you too, Caroline Forbes. Nice meeting you as well." I presented my most polite smile.

"Hi... Look I'm not trying to be rude here because I would really love to say the same... But hey, do you mind doing something about him first?" She pointed at Stefan before giving me a brief hug and I had to admit that she was indeed a very pretty girl. However, before I could answer her, another girl rushed into the scene in a hurry.

"Jeremy! Rebekah's not picking..."

I turned in the direction of an almost familiar voice and there she was. Amara's last living doppelganger. Elena Gilbert. Or Petrova. I briefly glanced at the guy she was talking to and smiled curtly at him, whom I guessed must be Jeremy Gilbert then. Elena looked exactly like a copy-pasted version of Katerina. Except for their slightly different hair texture and she too, literally spent a few solid seconds staring at my face. After sharing some sort of secret eye contact with Bonnie and Caroline, she finally spoke to me.

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