Hope 11 : A Place Called Home

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I kept leafing through the grimoire's pages while the rage in me kept building up more at the same time. In the thousand years of my pathetic eternal existence, I've come across spells and chants of various languages and even mastered them as well. Latin, Czech, Aramaic, French, even Greek and nothing came handy at the most critical moment. I shut the grimoire loud enough, catching both Bonnie and Damon's attention.

"Is everything okay, Giselle?" Bonnie asked in concern.

"Entire day with an enormous collection of grimoires, and we'd discovered nothing significant. But yes, I am okay. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME, BENNETT? OF COURSE, I AM NOT! THIS IS INSANE!" I yelled, facepalmed myself hard as my body fell back on the couch. I was restraining the verging anger with all my might.

"Chill, Strega! You might screw nature again- Fuck! Ouch!" Damon shrieked in panic when the bottle of bourbon, shattered right in his hands without warning. I heard him constantly mumbling as he left the room in annoyance. Probably to grab another bottle.

"Hold on, I think I got something" Bonnie exclaimed before rushing out of the room with her cell phone. However, I felt as though she was only trying to avoid being roasted next.

Honestly, I didn't want to vent out my anger on Damon, or Bonnie, or the grimoires, or even anyone at all but I couldn't stop myself. No matter how hard I kept trying, the solution I desperately needed doesn't seem to be appearing any time soon. From day one, Bonnie and I have been looking through every grimoire and spellbooks she owned but we found literally nothing, NOT A THING, at all. Now, we've been trying our lucks with Salvatore's collection of spell books and artefacts and so far, no much positive feedbacks from there either.

While I was mentally cursing and ridiculing myself for the consistent failures, I heard strutting footsteps invading the room and immediately recognised them. My senses grew cautious immediately as I was foreseeing some sort of counterattack for my earlier act but he remained silent, which intrigued me further. Demon Salvatore should be picking a fight with me right now. Instead, he walked straight to the couch where I was laying without a single word.

"Here. Have this, Strega!"

I heard him place something on the small table before the couch as he slightly nudged my legs but I was in no mood for alcohol. I groaned, swatting my hands in the air, gesturing him to go away but he grasped my wrist and pulled me up into sitting position. Extorting a scream as his sudden reflex startled me. However, his lips were curved into a rather genuine smile.

"Alcohol is not the advisable option for an anxious witch, sweetheart. Brought something else for you." He gestured towards the mug before me. Only then did I inhale the mind-blowing aroma of freshly brewed coffee. A wide grin erupted onto my features when I sipped the warm beverage. My spirit instantly began to shift.

"Thought it might help. I see it did indeed. Hey, am I missing something? Oh yeah, it should be like 'Thanks for the caffeine, Damon. You're very nice.' And then I should be like, 'Yeah you're welcome, Giselle. Ain't mention it.'"

I shot him a clueless stare for a few solid seconds. For which he simply sighed, facepalming himself and leaned back lazily on the couch when a thought suddenly occurred to me.

"How did you know that I like coffee, Damon?"

"You don't like it, Strega. You practically live on it. And to answer your question-", he shot me a brief sideways glance before facing the ceiling again as he resumed, "-Just because we didn't spend time as much as you did with Stefan, that doesn't mean I never noticed you. You were technically living in our home." He answered without meeting my eyes.

Shattering Hopes and Eternity (Klaus Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora