Hope 18 : Bittersweet Memories

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Both of my legs have gone completely numb due to uncountable hours of walking as of now. Technically, Rebekah and Caroline have been giving me a free tour of the whole huge mall since morning and it doesn't seem to be ending any time sooner. Why build such an enormous space for such ordinary humans to stroll all day?

"Emm... Girls... Can I just sit for some time? I can't feel my legs..." I attempted to beg for a break but neither of them bothered. They didn't even turn behind to look at my pathetic state.

"Oh come on, Elle. We still haven't gotten you any suitable footwear." I understood that Rebekah Mikaelson was in her truest elements but I just couldn't take it anymore. Right away, I crouched to the floor, holding my knees together in protest.

"Not another step, Vampires! Unlike you both, I am still in my human physiques. Which means that I am still 100% prone to exhaustion or even worse, collapse." I rebelled but Rebekah reached my side immediately and tried to pull me up but without using her inhuman strength, given all the public attention.

"Come on Elle, don't do this to me. We don't get to have any more parties after this. Plus, the 80s were my favourite years. You know how my last 80s decade dance was messed up. At least, let me enjoy this time."

"I don't care! If you want to attend the 80s decade ball, then proceed. Why drag me in? Partying isn't my thing at all, remember?" I fought back her near-vampiric strength as she kept on trying to drag me while Caroline just stood there laughing and I have totally been unaware of these two blondes becoming BFF out of nowhere!

"Come on, Giselle. Don't be a crybaby. Cast a spell or something on yourself for immediate energizing." Caroline finally spoke but I could only shake my head vigorously.

"That doesn't make any sense, Forbes. I thought you were the smart one- LET ME GO, REBEKAH MIKAELSON. I AM NOT GIVING UP!" I sat cross-legged on the floor, drawing obvious unwanted attention from passersby.  Giving up to my stubbornness, Rebekah finally released me.

"My gosh, Elle! Since when did you become so stubborn?"

"And please get off the floor, Giselle..." Caroline dragged in an uneasy tone. She was giving awkward smiles to the people who looked at me as if I needed mental attention but I simply crossed my arms and stared at Rebekah and she immediately understood my symbolic implication.

"Fine then, Elle. You may rest. I promise to not drag you around like a bloody suitcase. In return, you're wearing whatever costume I'm getting for you." I smiled triumphantly at her as I got up and dusted my back.

"I bet, my brother's stubbornness had influenced you so badly." She snatched the shopping bags from my hand but those were supposedly my costumes for the 80s decade ball, which I haven't seen yet.

"Hey! That's mine!"

"You don't get to see the completed look until you actually wear these, Giselle and you don't get a say here. That's the deal, remember? Now, stay right here and don't wander alone, please." Caroline told as though I was a child while I simply nodded and sat on the bench by the corridors. Not knowing what else to do, my vacant fingers texted the one person that I can't get off my mind.

"Your sister and ex-girlfriend are tormenting me in the name of shopping."

Actually, I wasn't expecting him to reply because he might be too busy to even bother and I'm just bored. He had been out of my sight for the past couple of days too and Elijah mentioned that he was occupied dealing with the Dark Magic for his so-called mission. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, revealing an incoming text message.

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