Hope 23 : Witches Massacre (Part 2)

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I walked by the now developed town, reminiscing every memory of that place. I've never returned to Salem since the 11th centuries but when I reached my mother's grave, it looked just the same. The generations after me had been preserving the family properties, I supposed. It was nearing dusk as I saw the sun starting to set and I headed into the woods, where I was blessed with immortality.


I was standing by the balcony and watched Nik head towards his horse. I waved at him with a wide happy smile as he winked lovingly at me and blew a handful of flying kisses before riding out of my sight. It was a full moon night. He usually goes hunting in the woods instead of locking himself in a cave upon Elijah's earnest request. That's something I've gotten used to since I began living with the Mikaelsons after leaving my own home.

As I turned to leave the balcony, I spotted a homing pigeon came flying towards me. It landed right on my forearm and I recognised the bird at once. It was Abigail's. There was a note tied to its legs.

Mother and the Count have accused me of conspiracy. For defending you. They have decided to burn us alive. Me and a few others, who supported the witches. It's happening on the full moon night. Please help me, Giselle.

Olivia was well known for her brutality but I never imagined her to be such a heartless woman who would harm her own flesh and blood. After my mother, Abigail was my only family. Not even my own father showered me with such an abundance of love like that girl.

That is why I managed to remain in touch with her through letters even after leaving home with Nik. Somehow Olivia must have learned about our communication, I guessed. And I really didn't want to trouble Nik tonight. So, I quietly snuck out of the mansion that night and followed the locator spell I cast on Abigail's pigeon.

To be honest, I actually assumed the trials to be held at the count's court as usual but instead, the pigeon led me deep into the dense Salem woods. Pain stung my heart when I found my little sister tied in a standing position against an execution post. Right away, I rushed to her and began undoing the ropes.

"Abby, wake up, please. I'm here. I got you." Her eyelids slowly drifted apart but shot open the moment she saw my face.

"Giselle! Giselle! How- Why did you come here?" She panicked in terror and looked around anxiously.

"To help you, of course. I got your message." She snatched the piece of parchment and cried in frustration.

"I didn't send this, Giselle. This- This is a trap. Mother had fou-"

Before she finished, loud screeching noise stung my ears. I stuffed my fingers in my ears in a frail attempt to stop the tormenting assault as figures of both genders emerged out of the dark. Their chants were in an unknown language and they pierced right through my eardrums fatally.

"Stop this! STOP!" I covered my ears with my palms as I fell crouched to the ground. I felt a fluid-like substance drip through the cracks of my fingers. Blood. My ears were bleeding from their torturous chants.

"Giselle... Or shall I call you, Strega (means Witch)?" Olivia stood before me.


She began chanting with the rest of her allies. I didn't understand what they were doing until a wave of force hit me hard on my chest, throwing me farther from Abigail. The moment I fell to the ground, a circle of blazing flame lit up around me and that abruptly acknowledged me of their identity. They're witches. Olivia was a witch too.

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