Hope 12 : Train of Deja Vu

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Flashback ~ 11th centuries, Salem.

I kept stealing quick glances at Nik from across the grand dining table and it was extremely cute to see him do the same too. We even locked eyes several times, but I was the one to look away every time. His gaze won't just linger over the surface but it's as if he is contemplating deep inside my eyes, searching my soul.

"So, tell me, young man. Where are you from? You're not from around here, aren't you?" My father asked. Of course, not. It's impossible to not notice his sexy accent. I grinned behind my glass as Nik took a sip of his own drink before answering.

"No, Sir. I'm actually a Nordic. I've come here on work purposes."

Then, the conversation was totally about businesses and fortunes and people and places I've never heard of. It was truly torturous to know absolutely nothing about the wondrous world out of that mansion and I assured myself, that one day I would definitely travel around the globe and experience adventures too. While for the rest of the evening, Niklaus still kept shooting me sweet glances and even winked occasionally as the dinner ended in peace.

Later that night, I was in the kitchen, helping the maids to clean up as usual. I was placing the washed dishes on the counter when I sensed the presence of another person, and automatically I assumed it to be Clara, one of the maids who stepped out a little earlier.

"I'm done with washing, Clara. Can you please dry them? The cloth is right there." I pointed in the direction with my chin without turning around.

"Anything you order, my lady." Right away, I realized it wasn't Clara and whipped around to find Nik wiping the dishes. I snatched the plate from his hand and stepped back immediately, startling him a little.

"I'm sorry but Olivia will bury me alive if she sees this." Ignoring my intense tone, he snatched the plate right back.

"Don't you worry about that because I will rescue you before she could lay her hand on even a single strand of your golden hair, my love..." He said with a rather sincere smile. Although it was really sweet of him for wanting to help, I still can't allow him to do my chores. So, I attempted to snatch the plate from him again but it slipped from my hands.

"Ooh no!... Ouch!" I began to pick the shattered pieces in a hurry but ended up slitting my own hand, causing it to bleed.

"Nik, could you pass me the-" I glanced up from the floor but the man was already gone.

"Deja vu!" His voice yanked me out of the trance as I caught him approaching from the corner of my eyes.

It WAS indeed a deja vu. I began picking up the shattered glass pieces while he stood by the counter in complete silence. I realized how lately, my thoughts were never in a place and I don't even know why.

Sighing to himself, he walked over and opted to help me. Right at that moment, one tiny piece slit my flesh.

Perfect timing!

Now, it was 100% deja vu!

However, this time, he didn't disappear but tended to the cut.

"As clumsy as always, angel." He said with a small laugh while I just stared at him until he glanced at my face again.

"What is it, my love?" To be honest, I desperately wanted to ask if the concern that's whelming in his eyes was real or not but then I recalled my previous conversations with him and chose not to do so. I slowly shook my head and rose to my feet, avoiding any more disheartening conversation but he held me back.

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