He looked up at them, and said "I've been in New York since the start of this thing, near Albany. I met with a few friends, and we made a camp. We brought people in, and then we kept bringing people in. We have a large gate, and we have enough weaponry to kill as many walkers as there are out there."

"Why are you all the way out here?" Sam asked. Jarrod looked at Sam, and said "We need people to support us, and we want to give people a sanctuary. I have been searching for people for about a year, and I've found quite a few, but you're the first group I've come across for a few months. And since Sam is here, I want to give you and your family sanctuary Sam. After all your father did for me, after he helped me and...Judy." But, he stopped, as tears swam at his eyes. He looked up at Sam, and said "I want to repay him for what he did for me."

Sam looked at Jarrod, as he felt tears at his eyes. "I'll go talk to William" Hannah said, walking off. Sam gave Jarrod water, and Jarrod sighed in relief. He then looked around, and asked "Sam, where are your parents?" Sam looked down, away from Jarrod. Jarrod understood, and he felt tears at his eyes. "What about your Uncle Kenneth?" Sam looked up at Jarrod, and said "I'm with my Uncle Adam. He's my guardian now, after what happened to my dad." Jarrod looked at Sam, and said "I am so sorry." Heather stood afar, watching, as she could hear Sam tell Jarrod about all that happened to him.

Hannah stood with William, Molly, Terry, Jason, and Adam, and told them what Jarrod had said. Jason looked at Adam, and asked "Have you met this guy before?" "Rebecca had mentioned him to me before" said Adam. "Anthony helped find the man that kidnapped his daughter, when he was a cop. After that case, Anthony got Jarrod a job, and then he himself gave up being a cop and he became a teacher." They all looked at Adam, shocked, as Adam said "After that, they were very good friends."

They all looked in shock, as Jason said "Why would he come all the way to Pennsylvania from Albany?" "Who cares?" said William. "We need to follow him." "Why?" asked Jason. "Why should we trust him?" "Because we need a place to raise our kid" William said, wrapping an arm around Molly. They all looked shocked, as Molly said "I'm pregnant." Hannah hugged Molly, as Terry smiled and said "Congratulations." William nodded, and said "We need a place to have this baby, and that place, it sounds perfect." Adam and Jason congratulated the two, as Terry looked at Vivian, who had a happy, but sad expression on her face.

The large group walked down the road, led by Jarrod. "I was staying in a warehouse in the next town over" said Jarrod. "That fuel I had with me, that was needed for my friend and I's car." "There's someone else with you?" Hannah asked. "Yes" said Jarrod. "My friend Aaron and I took this journey together, and now we can finally go back home."

The sun was beginning to set, and the large group was still walking. "We'll be there soon" Jarrod called back, as they walked over an overpass. Sam looked out, and he saw the water in the distance, and he saw how beautiful the sun made it look.

Anthony stood at the side of the overpass, as the sun started to rise in the distance. Suddenly, Sam approached, and Anthony put his arm around him. "Woah" he said. "You're almost getting as tall as me." They smiled, before Anthony said "How's your arm?" "Fine" said Sam. "Listen" said Anthony, facing his son. "I'm so sorry if I scared you, when I did that. I promise that I'll never do that again." "You were right though" said Sam. "We're all your family, and we all have to protect each other no matter what it takes." The father and sun then looked at the sun, and saw how beautiful it made the ocean look.

"Sam?" Sam's thoughts disappeared, as he looked next to him. Heather stood there, and asked "Is everything okay?" Sam looked at her, and said "My dad saved Jarrod. He saved me, and he saved this entire group so many times. He's gone, and I'd do anything to get him back." Heather grabbed Sam's hand, and said "I miss my family, too, all the time. My brother, my parents, everyone. But, even though they're gone, I still have the memories. Whenever I just feel broken, or sad, or angry, I just remember them, and what they've done, and it makes me feel better. I don't feel as broken anymore, because when I remember them, I feel like they're by my side." She stopped talking, as she gave him a soft kiss on the lips. She then pulled away, and put her forehead on his. She brought his hand up, kissed it, and said "Remember them Sam." Sam kissed her hand, and said "I always do." He then kissed her again, as the sun continued to set.

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