Tattoo (Harry Styles)

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“What does this one mean?” I asked running the pad of my thumb over the black star on his bicep.

“Hope.” Harry stated.

“Mmm.” I said, deciding on what tattoo to ask about next. “This one.” I said pointing to the words inked across his wrist.

“It means I won’t change for anyone, I’ll always stay me.” He told me fumbling with the tips of my fingers.

My thumb traced the outline of black heart on his arm. 

“It means love, I guess that one’s basic.” A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest.

“How about this one?” I asked sitting up, I crawled to the end of the bed and pointed to the words on his ankles.

“Mmm.” Harry thought. “I’m not sure, they’re just quotes.”

I crawled back up to where Harry was. I snuggled into his side. His arm wrapped around my shoulder.

“What do these mean.” I asked pointing to his “Things I can.” and “Things I can’t” tattoo’s.

“The thing’s I can, and can’t do.”

“Well I guess that was oblivious.” I said feeling a little dumb. 

“But they have deeper meaning than that…” He trailed off.

“Like what?” I asked tilting my head.

“Well, things I can, things I can do. Like go partying, hang with the lads, get tattoo’.” He chuckled at the end. “And things I can’t, like express my opinion, show the world how much I love you.” He smiled, dimples implanted in his cheeks.

“Harry.” I blushed burring my head in his bare chest.

“I want to know about one more.”

“Okay.” Harry smiled.

“Your butterfly, what does it mean?” I asked.

“The meaning… It has to do with you.” Harry smiled. “You know how, when you’re with someone you love.,” he paused. “And you get those butterflys in your stomach?” He asked me.


“Well I always get those when I’m with you, and I wanted to remember that you’re my first love, and my last.”

‘Harry.” I said placing a soft kiss to his lips.

He reached behind him fumbling with something, then left his hand behind his back.

“I meant it, I love you. I want you to be mine, forever.” He said looking into my eyes. “Just promise me.” He said slipping a promise ring on my finger.

“I promise.” I whispered through tears.


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