Hugging His kids (Harry Styles)

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He was upstairs with another girl. I already knew. It’s been actually going on for a while now. I don’t know why hes been doing this. We just had sex last week, but I guess that didn’t matter to him because he was fucking some other girl. Whenever they would finish I would go out to the back, as if they didn’t know I was there. The first time I saw it, you were bawling, with a broken heart. But I didn’t want to leave him yet so I just didn’t talk. The second time. More crying. Third time, slight tears. Fourth time, I was wondering why I have kept this going for so long. Now was the fifth. But this time I was done. No more whining or crying. I wanted to leave. If I wouldn’t it would’ve been the fifth time he would come up with an excuse, the fifth time I would cry at night while he was sleeping, the fifth time I would reject eating dinner with him. I walked up the stairs into the room. Like predicted, he was on top of her. She looked freakishly skinny and familiar. The squeak of the door made the look at me. I didn’t look at them though, I just walked into the closet grabbing my bag. I stuffed almost all of my things in the bag and left the un useful things. Like his favorite perfume of mine, clothes and stuffed animals he got me, the picture of us in high school, and jewelry, which was about 85% of my stuff here. So there was no need to come back. I walked out of the closet. They were quietly arguing.

“Oh no, go ahead. Didn’t mean to interrupt. Keep going, enjoy yourselves.” She scurried out of the room.


“Hah, don’t even try Harry. I know you’ve been doing this.” I whispered to myself ‘five times’.

“No, let me explain.”

“No. No need to explain. There is honestly nothing you can do to fix this hun.”

“Don’t leave, you’re the best-”

“Don’t try and pull that card on me Harry.” After that his eyes filled with anger.

“You don’t think this is partly your fault?”

“My fault?”

“Maybe if you had just stopped acting so stubborn and selfish we wouldn’t be in this mess!”

“Oh so that’s why you were cheating?! Because I was being stubborn?” I said slightly yelling. I was surprisingly acting so nonchalant about the situation but inside I wanted him to stop and I wanted to stay. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing. I walked out with my bag and keys.

It was about 4 weeks after. I was sitting on the floor leaning my back against the bathtub wall.


I stared as the little positive sign started to grow darker. I threw the stick at the wall and it broke. I didn’t break down at all though. I became numb to feelings (besides hatred). I knew it was his. He just recently stopped continuously texting and calling me. Not once did I pick up or answer. But now the recent streak stopped. My phone buzzed next to me. ‘Harry.’ flashed on the screen, I picked it up. He was letting out a relieved sigh.


“Quit calling me.”

“I didn’t mean what I said.”

“No, I know. But i’m not forgiving you.” He started to say something but stopped.

“Say something.”

“I can’t”

“You know I was acting stubborn and selfish because i’m pregnant. I quickly hung up. I stood up and cleaned up the broken pregnancy test. What am I going to do?

It was a day later. Louis was calling me asking me all these questions.

‘Where are you?’

‘He wants to see you, do you want to see him?’

‘He wants to know if its true.’

‘Is it true?’

“Yeah Lou, its true.”

Its been 7 months. Hes still been calling. I had to change my number 2 times, he was raising my cell bill. I’ve only talked to him about 3 times. One being the month I found out about the little child growing inside me. The second was when I ran into him at the park. Third was last night. He called me and asked if I was alright, with the baby and everything. He would also visit sometimes but I would never open the door. He’s even slept out there once. It was 9:32, I was watching tv, eating ice cream. It probably wasn’t the best thing to eat while pregnant but the little munchkins loves it. I was having twins, a boy and a girl. Liam and Zayn helped me chose their names, Tanner and Kenadie. One of them was kicking.

“Ouch you little butt.” I rubbed my stomach smiling. I couldn’t wait until they were out. I just wanted to hold them. Mom helped me set up the nursery in my new house that I bought a couple months ago from leaving Harry’s. It was intimidating living alone while you were pregnant, but the other boys would come over almost everyday. There was a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole. It was Niall and Liam.

“Hey guys.”

“Heyy, hows mama bear?” Niall said enthusiastically.

“Fine, they’ve been kicking a lot lately.”

“Ooh, maybe they’re ready to see the world.” Liam would always start guessing that the twins were ready.

“No I don’t- I felt a sharp pain, then again a couple seconds later. “Okay maybe they are.” The pain kept coming, and I was trying my best not to yell and scream. The boys helped me into the car. Liam was basically speeding almost 20 over the speed limit.

I’ve been in labor for almost 4 hours. Louis told me an hour ago that Harry was here. But I didn’t want to see him. 5 hours later. More pain, more people. An hour later I was giving birth. At 7:57 am, Tanner was born, a minute later, Kenadie was born. The babies were premature but perfectly healthy. I told Louis to let Harry in, but just to hold the babies. He followed the rules. Even though I was pissed at him for all this time, I still couldn’t leave him apart from his children. I was mad, but it was a beautiful moment.

Its been 16 years later. The kids were all grown up, but the thing that made me the saddest was that they had to grow up without their father. I was 34, single mom, but completely happy. I didn’t hear from him since about 14 years ago, when the twins were 2 and he wanted to see them. That was also the last time the kids would see their dad. I was making dinner, the kids were both out but we’re coming back anytime now. The other boys would occasionally visit from month to month. We would always talk about the memories and reminisce. Liam would act like the uncle that talks about how fast the kids have grown. The door opened, it was the kids.

“Hey, where have you guys been?”

“Mom, please don’t get mad.” I turned around.

“Mad at what?”

I saw the tall, man that I loved then left 16 years ago at the doorway hugging his kids.


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