"Hey," he says, "look at me." I lift my head to find him looking at me intently, searching my face. "I bet this has nothing to do with you. It's common with any relationship. It's called the honeymoon phase. They just want to be with each other right now. I bet it'll wash over soon." I nod. "Have you tried talking to them about it?"

"No," I shake my head, "I didn't want to seem like a bother."

"What makes you think you're being a bother?"

"I don't know. But it gives me so much anxiety thinking about all the reactions they could have that I just can't get myself to do it."

"Well I'll tell you what. I'd be happy to go with you if that makes you feel better?" He suggested.

"Thanks Four," I smile and lean my head on his shoulder, "I really appreciate it but this is something I need to do by myself."

He nods, "Okay. Just know my offer stands."

"Thank you," I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, training is over and I haven't gotten to kiss you all day," he smirks, leaning down to kiss me, but I move my lips away last second, in a teasing manner. Four raises his eyebrows at me and I can't help but look at them in hope of seeing the metal piercings. I stare wide eyed at Four and he looks at me strangely.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I have to shake my head to clear it and thankfully Four drops it. Instead of worrying about it I get up and walk away, swaying my hips a little when I do so. I look back to see Four smirking at me, also standing up.

I pick up my pace and before I know it I'm running through the halls being chased by Four. I laugh at how childish we are being but when I turn around, he's no where in sight. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and pick me up. "Got you," Four's husky voice whispered in my ear.

I let out a half scream half laugh, and squirm in his arms. "You're mine now," his voice tickles my neck and it kinda turns me on. He throws me over his shoulder and I let out another little scream. He starts walking to what I'm guessing is going to be his apartment.

He goes up a flight of stairs and I can't help but laugh, "Four! Put me down!" He doesn't say anything but I can feel his chest and shoulders moving up so he must be laughing. "Four this isn't funny!"

"Oh but it is," he chuckles again.

We finally reach a door that Four opens and once we walk in I recognize it as Four's apartment. "Will you put me down now?" I huff out.

He sets me down gently but then pushes me up against the wall. His lips brush mine and I wait to feel the tingling in my stomach and all over my body but it never comes. I brush it off though and continue my attention on Four.

He still keeps his lips centimeters away from mine. Right when I was about to connect our lips, he goes to my neck and kisses my neck. It feels so good I can't help but let out a moan when he finds my weak spot. I go weak in the knees but thank God he's holding me up against the wall.

I can't take it anymore. I want to move my hands to lift his face up to me but he has my arms pinned above my head. "Four," I breathe out, "kiss me already."

He makes his way back up my neck and kisses my jawline and right before he kisses my lips, he pulls away and looks me in the eye. I can see lust in his eyes and then he quickly smashes his lips back onto mine. He releases my hands so I quickly put them on the front of his shirt and grip it tightly so that I don't fall.

His hands start to roam my body but I can't help and think that I don't want my first time to be with Four but with Eric. This thought makes me want to faint. I feel my head starting to spin so I pull away, but keep my forehead rested on his.

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