A little piece of heaven

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Tommy's pov

This is unbelievable. Kayla....dead? It just doesnt seem real enough for me to believe. I mean she's survived in the harshest critical conditions. And this one she didnt?

Adam? Yes? He replies. Is she still at the hospital? I asks. I dont know. I call them. He says sniffling a bit.

He called them. Hello? Yea um this is Adam Lambet calling i want to know if Kayla Ratliff is still in the hospital.

I couldn't hear what the other women was saying. Adam kept nodding and saying "ok" he hung up.

She's still in her room there. He says. Can we go there i wanna see her. I say trying not to get upset again.

But Tommy? He says. Yea? I reply. Things wont be the same like before. He says. I nod. I know.

I got up and got dressed Adam waited for me. I finshed. He walked with me to the front door with his keys.

We got out to his car i sat in the passenger seat. He started it and drove off.

I pulled out a Hollywood undead album of mine and put it in. Usually me and him we just drown our thoughts out with music.

I turned it up sitting back closing my eyes. It wasnt too loud but loud enough to hear it.

The song "War Child" came on. Kayla loves that song. She says it describes her in many ways.

Thinking about her hurts a lot. Knowing she isnt here now is very upsetting.

We got to the hospital. Me and Adam got inside and went up to the desk. He told the lady his name and she let us in Kayla's room.

She was covered. Head to toe literally. In a blacket they have. A nurse cane in and lifted it down to her stomach. She was still in the same clothes before. You think they would at least change her into something else but i guess the rule is since your dead lets just leave you like that.

I cried. Silently. I cupped my right hand on her cheek. She was really cold

I leaned down and kissed her lips. Like any father would. Adam rubbed my back. I layed my head on her chest crying.

I love you so much. I cried. Tommy we only have a few minutes. Adam says. He was crying as well.

I dont wanna leave. I cry. Tommy baby i know but we cant disobey hospital orders.

I calmed down. Ready? He asks. I nod. The nurse came in and covered her back up and escorted her out of the room into a room where people who pass stay for awhile ti'll they find a place to put them i guess.

We got to the car and headed home. I looked down at a necklace Kayla gave to me for my birthday.

I put it on. It'll be hard to move on. Yes. But i know that now she isnt in any pain anymore.

Just things will be different. A lot different.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now