I'll never let you fall

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Kayla's pov

I groaned, opening my eyes to see myself tied to a chair by chains and they really hurt.

I was still in my night dress. I heard a whip crack. Miss me? A voice laughs. Well one thing i knew was that the voice belonged to a women.

She walked into the light. Liz? Mhm. She responds. What do you want Now? I ask. You know exactly what i want.

My dad? I question. Mhm. She replies. Ok and kidnapping me does what?

It brings him to me. I know how much he's grown on to you. I know how much he loves you. He'd do anything for you.

Even if it meant risking his life for you. She explains. You do know that this makes him think your a psycho right? I say. She chuckles.

Looking me striaght in the eyes. Yeah. She replies. But i know he still loves me. Deep down he's begging for me on his knees.

Your sick. I spit out. Good to know. She replies. You know the only reason he left you was because you werent good enough for him. I try to come back with something that'll affect her.

Shut up! She spits back. Swinging the whip slashing it across my face leaving a slice on my cheek. I had tears my eyes. It burns.

Tommy's pov

Adam had called me. Kayla was missing. Im worried. She could be dead right now. She could be screaming out my name for my help, to save her.

I need to stop stressing myself about these thoughts and start looking for her. I got up and put on my jacket and walked outside and began my search in the cold icy snow.

Kayla's pov

Did that hurt? She ask. I looked away. Bet it did. She laughed. She set the whip down and walked over to a table. She grabbed something. It glimmered in the light. A knife. It was really sharp.

She walked over to me and took my wrist from behind my back, still tied. No, please no, stop now! I screamed. She sliced it acrossn blood instantly dripping out. I screamed. Aww whats wrong i thought you love the pain. She says like she's talking to a baby.

No, no i dont, please stop. I cried. She placed the knife at my other wrist. Stop. I whispered. She sliced it across again. I screamed in pain again.

She then placed it at my thigh. I shaked my head. Telling her no. She did anyways. Tearing right through my sweat pants. She stood back up throwing the knife on the floor.

Blood dripping on the floor and down the chair from the wounds. There all done.

I didnt say a word i just sat there my head down. She untied my hands. I fell to the floor. She looked at me, a huge grin on her face.

She walked away, up the basement stairs and out the door. Leaving me on the floor. I could see the snow falling outside lightly.

I slowly got up. Trying to ignore the pain. I stood up with all the strength i had in me and started walking to the stairs.

She had also whipped me on my stomachn so i was slowly losing blood from there. And it caused me to walk slower. I had my hand on it.

Tommy's pov

I walked down the sidewalk yelling her name. I stopped upon an abandoned house. It was really old, wood was broken, windows shattered, basically what a haunted house would be.

My curiosity getting the best of me i decide to check it out. Kayla might be in there after all.

I walked to the door. It was cracked open a little. I slowly opened it. It creaking as it did.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin