i only need you

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You guys i just hit 1.03k on Tommy's Daughter im so HAPPYYYYY!! I love u guys thank u so much for reading my stories!!

Tommy's pov

Kayla was lying on me on the couch. We had just got home from our plane flight. It was about 7:00 in the morning. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. Hey. I say.

She smiles in response. I was thinkin do you wanna go garage sailing? She nods. K you gotta get dressed. I say. She got up slowly rubbing her eyes.

she went upstairs. I layed there watching whatever was on the t.v. Kayla came down stairs 5 mins later all dressed in her black jeans with a 't

Eyeliner and cover up on. I got up myself and started to get ready. I finished only 5 mins later.

I grabbed my keys and my phone. Kayla following behind me. We walked out and i got into my car starting it. We left looking around for signs.

There's one. Kayla says pointing. I looked towards her direction quickly and slowed down turning.

She looked really tired but she was awake. She paid more attention to the road then her phone. I stopped looking at the sale before getting out.

We walked up looking at things. Kayla found t's and skinny jeans.....of course. I dont blame her i like the same thing's as her. Its just how much it costs depends if i will buy it or not.

She stood there looking through them. She picked out a couple she liked. I walked over looking at what she had picked out.

She had like 3 Blood on the Dancefloor t's. (BOTD) And 2 pairs of skinny's. "How much are the shirts?" I ask

50 cents. She replies. How do you know? I ask. There's a sign on the pole that tells you how much this stuff is. She explains.

Oh. I reply. I take it you want these? I ask. She nods. K. I reply. I found some stuff that i like.

We ended buying the stuff and left. We stopped at a couple more and went back home.


We walked inside setting are stuff down on the couch. I sat down so did Kayla beside it.

We looked through it sorting things out. Kayla got done and went upstairs to put her things away. So did i.

I layed back down and she came back and layed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her.

Ugh my legs hurt. She groans. Mine too. I reply. Hey dad? She says looking up at me. Yeah baby? I reply.

Where's Adam? She asks. The smile on my face kindave faded. He's out with Sauli.

Kayla's pov

He's out with Sauli. He replies. Wait its been more than 3 days. How is he....no not possible he couldn't have done that much already.

I mean he said he had to prove himself to me. Not Adam. I need to talk to him. Oh. I reply.

He's probably not gonna be here anymore but what do i know. He says sarcastically.

I sigh. My life seems to get more complicated when im happy with Tommy. Its like there's something to always bring me down.

But i have you and thats all i need. He says playing with my hair. I snuggled into him. I shut my eyes drifting off into a cold sleep....

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now