Its not what it used to be

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Adam's pov.

I cant believe this. Sauli killed himself. Because i didnt want to be with him anymore. I cant be neagative about him now because he's dead. And it wouldnt be right to use that on him.

Kayla's devastated. God poor thing. She loved him. Even though we werent together anymore she still got to see him at times.

They were like brother and sister. But me and him were tearing apart at the same time.

She was still lying on the couch. She was asleep holding a picture against her chest.

Tommy was up in his room. It was raining really hard. I got up and and went over to Kayla.

I slowly and gently took the picture out of her hands. It was me and Sauli smiling. Kayla in the middle. Smiling her arms around us. Its not gonna be the same like it was anymore.

She won't see his smile everyday wont hear his laugh and his angelic voice.

Wont get to hug him. Nothing. But a picture. That forever stays the same.
And doesnt move. Doesnt talk not like he does.

Absolutely nothing but that picture.

The phone rang. I set the picture by Kayla and ran over to it seeing the number. It was the funeral home.

Hello? I answered. Hi Mr.Lambert. uh we have a dated funeral for Sauli Koskinen and it will be on the 3rd of October.

Yes but um is there a possible chance that uh- i stopped taking a deep breath trying not to cry. That after the funeral we can cremate him? I continue.

Um yes but it will cost extra like 100$ or so. She says. Ok that's fine.

Ok Mr. Lambert and im so sorry about this tragedy. Its fine. I hung up.

God this is gonna be awhile before we get over this.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora