In the diary of Kayla

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Kayla's pov.

I sat on Adam's bed writing in my book.

I've been at Adam's for a week now. My dad Tommy hasn't called him at all or anything. Im really worried. I think Adam and Sauli broke up. I heard them yelling at each other downstairs. So i decided to take a walk around the block. I came back and Sauli was leaving. Im upset he left. I didnt get to say goodbye.

The harassment got worse at school. Jada keeps hitting me and calling me names. Mia's spreading rumors about me. Everything. I've gotten more hate on me. The only one who's staying on my side with me is Ian. My boyfriend.

My ex keeps bothering me about how he wants to get back together. I hate him. I wanna go back with Tommy. Im losing sleep, my grades have gone down and worse....ive started cutting again.

I went a whole yesr without it. Now its back. I hope one day all this madness ends and i can be free again . Be myself who i really am. My dad is dead. My mom's a psycho and in jail. Ive lost my whole family Adam and Tommy and the others are all i have left.

If i lost them i'd kill myself for it.

I heard a knock at the door. I shot my head up quickly. Kayla u in there? I wanna talk to u. It was Adam. Eh, yeah 1 sec. I reply. I hid my diary and threw my pen idk where. I open the door.
Adam was standing there.

He walked in and sat down on the bed. I sat next to him.

He sighed and said. Your dad called. He wants u home. Do u wanna go home?

I looked down at the floor. Is he....better? I ask. He said he was ready to take better care of you. And promised to stop his addiction. Adam explains

I guess. I say. Is something wrong? He asks. Uh, no just...i kept twisting the sleeves on my wrist. He then grabbed my arm gently and looked at me. Slowly lifting the sleeve up. Revealing all my slits. He gasped. Kayla. He says shocked.

Im sorry. I say. If ur sorry then why do u do it? He ask. He got me there.

I-i-i. I stuttered.

You what? He adds. Its school. I mange out. Why whats going on? He asks. I looked away again tears in my eyes. Hey. He says softly grabbing my chin. Tell me. Everything! I cry I out. Jada and her friends. There's rumors about me. Everybody hates me. I get beat everyday at school! I cant do this anymore! He pulls me into a hug. And rocks me side to side. Shhh. He tells me.

He pulled back and grabbed my chin gently and made me look into his eyes. U are the most beautifulest girl ive ever seen in my entire life. Ur not to fat ur not to skinny. Ur perfect. You have pretty blue eyes long hair. And you've got an amazing voice. So listen to me. Im gonna go to school with u for a whole day and see what happens there. He says.

U can do that? I ask. Oh yeah. Its like i'll be a new student but im still ur god father. And if they choose to mess with u. There gonna have to get through me first. He says.

He wipes a tear away that fell on my cheek. Now do u wanna go home or stay here? He asks. Stay. I'll go home tomorrow. I say.

Ok i'll call Tommy and tell him that. But promise me one thing.


Never do this again. He says pointing at my wrists. I don't know if i can-

Kayla. He says. Ok fine i promise. Good. Now im goin to bed night he says kissing my forehead. Love u. He adds. Love u too i reply.

Hm maybe things might get better if Adam is there. Maybe they'll stop messing with me. And then id they do i can finally be who i really am.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin