Hard to say goodbye

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Adam's pov

I was driving. It was about 8:30 pm sharp. The street lights lighting up the way as im driving

It was silent. I'll i could think about was her angelic voice her laughter filling the car with sound. I miss our conversations.

I still had tears down my face. My eyeliner smeared. I sniffled, sighing. I picked up my phone and looked at my background screen.

There was a picture of her. Her hands covering her mouth a little black nails, gloves, red shirt, her emo hair edgy.

Her big blue crystal clear eyes shining. More tears rained down my face. The light turned green. I put my phone down and started driving again.

I turned on the radio to drown out ny sorrow. The song " I dont wanna die." By Hollywood undead. That was Kayla's favorite song.

I turned it up.

"I dont wanna die, i dont wanna die

I dont wanna die so your gonna have to.

I dont wanna die, i dont wanna die
So your gonna have to

blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder,

i told you once im the only one that holds her.

I dont wanna die,i don't wanna die no i dont wanna die so your gonna have to.

I cried. So hard. So so hard. I miss her so much. I wish i could just hold her right now.

My heart is shattered. I got back to Tommy's house. He doesnt know yet. Oh god.

I shut the car off and got out locking it. I walked to the front door using m key to get in. Tommy was lying on the couch.

Hey baby whats wrong? Where's Kayla He asks concerning. I sat beside him. Um this is......really hard to say but um..Kayla....she...killed herself.

He sat there staring at me. Your serious? He said his voice cracking about to break.

I nodded she died ealier today. I cried more. He bursted into tears. I held him. Im sorry. Im so sorry. She told me to tell you, you were an amazing father to her and you'll always be apart of her. I said in tears.

He cried harder. We sat there just crying. Eventually we both calmed down.

The house was filled with silence. Things are going to be a lot different now.

Now that she's gone. Were gonna need to clear her room out but we'll keep her clothes as memories.

Im gonna call the funeral service. I say. Ok.

I called them. The call wasnt to long. It ended like 5 mins later. I layed back on the couch with Tommy. Im so sorry. I whispered.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now