You touch her i'll kill you

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Kayla's pov.

The rest of the day we just sat by the tree and layed next to each other. He kept kissing me and whispering sweet little nothings into my ear.

It was getting late so he took me home. We stopped at my driveway. He let me down of his shoulders and handed me my cruches.

Bye. He says. Bye. I reply. He kisses me on the lips again. Love you. Love you too. I got inside and closed the door behind me.

Tommy was lying on the couch watching some horror movie. I was never really into horror so i could care less what it was called.

I got to the stairs. Do you need help baby? My dad asks. No im fine i can do this myself. I took my cruches in one hand and started hopping up the stairs on one foot.

Eventually i got to the top and headed for my room. My phone beeped. I got inside my room, shutting, and locking it behind me.

I set my cruches to the the side and lied down on my bed. I looked at my phone. I got a message from Ian (my ex)

Im sorry. Was all it said.

I typed back.

For what?

Breaking up with u. Please take me back.

Me: no if u wanted me that badly you wouldnt have broken up with me. Besides im with someone else now.

I: what!? Who!?.

Me: im not telling u! U dont deserve to know.

I: i said im sorry please. Just break up with him and come back to me i promise i'll make it up to u.

Me: sorry dont cut it. So please leave me alone and dont bother me again. Goodbye.

Ugh sometimes i really hate boys. But not Brad. He's to sweet and handsome.

I got another message.

Brad (bae♡♡♡)

B:Whats up baby?

I had that as his contact name in my phone.

Me:Nm im getting harassed by Ian again.

B:Oh i'll do something about it. Member if he touches u, you come get me. Ok?

Me:Yeah i know thats why i love u, u will protect me no matter what.

B:Of course, i love u if anyone hurts my hands are on them within seconds.

B:I love you.

Me:I love you too.

I set my phone on the charger and turned my light off staring out at the moon. Within A couple minutes i blacked out.


I was dressed in my tight black skinny jeans and my black shirt that said BVB on it. Which meant Black Veil Brides. I love that band.

And wearing my everyday boots. I still had my bandages on. The blood still visible.

I grabbed my cruches and headed downstairs. Brad was waiting for me outside. As usual i hopped down the stairs.

Went to the front door. To see Brad waiting for me on the driveway with his skateboard.

I came over to him. Ready? He asks. I nod. He grabbed my cruches and lifted me on his shoulders. He skated to school.

We got there and he set it by the bikes where he does as usual. He kept me on his shoulders holding my hand.

I saw Ian coming towards us. Brad. I whisper. Its ok. He squeezed my hand tighter but not to tight to not hurt me.
What you want asshole? Brad asked madly. Her. He spat back. Well good luck trying she's mine! Brad says.

Hearing him say that made me feel so safe and beautiful. I dont know why, i just felt that way.

You touch her I'll kill you. He kicked Ian in the stomach, him falling to the ground. He got up and walked away. Didnt say anything just walked away.

I smiled down at Brad. I told you I'd protect you no matter what. He says. I leaned down kissing him

God he's perfect.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now