She's mine

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Brad's pov.

1st period was boring as usual. Actually a little less because Kayla was with me. I've always liked her. She's beautiful sweet, her style is so edgy in a good way. She stands out to me the most.

Not blonde's who wear short skirts amd really high crop tops the show half their boobs. No. Someone who be's themself and doesnt try to make everyone like her. And Kayla was it.

She was the glimmering red rose that caught my eye. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4th period was over and we were headin to lunch. I was holding hands with Kayla. I don't care who see's. People need to know that she isnt an outsider and she is cared for

We sat at our table. Just me and her. She layed her head on my shoulder. I saw Jada and Mya walk in.

They came over to our table. Kayla hid her face in my chest and gripped my shirt tightly. I put my hand on top of hers.

What do you want? I asked aggressively. Why are you dating that whore? Mya asked laughing.

If anything your the whore. I spat back. A little to loud for everybody to hear. The lunch room got quiet and the attention was on us.

Excuse me? She says offended. Yeah you heard me. At least i dont go through guys once a week just to sleep with them. Everyone gasps. Whispering to others.

You fucking bitch! She yells. About to grab Kayla out of my arms but i stop her. Now standing my arm around Kayla's waist her face still in my chest.
Back off! I say. My anger building up imside. She kept trying to grab Kayla. Jada just stood there shocked.

I pushed Mya, her falling to the floor. She sat up looking around then at me. Do you see where this gets you Mya? Do you fucking see? I asked twice making sure she heard

Yeah i see. It got you dating that slut right there. She points. She's not a slut nor a whore. She's nothing horrible. She's a nice, kind, caring, loving, strong,amazing, wonderful, full of heart person. And you? Your nothing. Your just a flat out bitch. Your clothes and personality says it all.

Everybody gasps again. Kayla looks up at me. She had tears in her eyes. She smiled. Really? She whispers. I nod with a smile.

She hugged me tighter. Everybody awing at us. Mya got up. This isnt over. She says walking away along with Jada behind her.

I looked back at Kayla. Leaned in for a kiss. And so did she. Our lips connected. We pulled away. Come on. Why dont we skip the rest of our classes and go somewhere else. I say. She nods.

We walked out the doors to where the bikes were. Kayla still had her cruches and is using them. I grabbed my skateboard. I kneeled down letting Kayla get on my shoulders.

I held her cruches in my left hand. Holding Kayla's hand in my right. Her hair flowed in the wind as i skated on the sidewalk.

I stopped at a tree and let her down, for her to lean on the trunk. I set my board beside the tree. I wrapped my arms around Kayla's waist.

I love you. I say. I love you too. She replies. With that we kissed gently. Her fingers tangling in my hair.

We pulled away smiling at each other.

Adommy Live, let, and love♡ (Sequel to Tommy's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now