Chapter Thirteen.

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Fatime's POV

I honestly felt kind of nervous about meeting Justin's dad and step mom, like when he mentioned it it kind of got me having bad feelings in the head.

One occurring thought was, "What if they don't like me?"

Justin laughed as I asked him a stupid question, I smiled weakly while we both walked out of the cafe.

"Listen to me, they'll love you sweetie and I wouldn't dare lie about that! If I'm happy, they should respect that! You also are very sweet and caring, who wouldn't love that?" Justin winked while I giggled, linking arms with him.

"I sure hope so.." I replied.

* * *

We arrived to Justin's dads house and my heart started racing, I was very nervous then again happy that I finally get to meet his dad and step mom. Justin for sure felt confident about this, so I probably should start feeling the same as him too.

We get to the door and Justin gently squeezes my hand so I would feel better and it worked, thats just what love can do. As we get inside since Justin has the key, I saw Erin and Justin's dad with Jazzy and Jaxon playing around in the living room, I started smiling at how much fun they were having. Justin's dad and Erin then turned to Justin and I when we both walked in the door, both having smiles on their faces.

"We finally get to meet the girl Justin's been talking about, honey!" Erin said, as patted spots onto the couch right in front of them. I smiled thinking that it's not so bad so far! So Justin and I went to sit down.

"Justin talks about you ALL the time where it's just not even funny," Erin started, "Then look at you! You're such a pretty girl and the way Justin describes you, you sound delightful."

"Thank you so much, Mrs-"

"Please just call me Erin sweetie!" Erin smiled, then looked at Jeremy, Justin's dad.. "Honey! Are you going to say anything?"

Justin's dad smiled, "I'm speechless honestly, you're the first girlfriend Justin has loved so much, you must be very special to him, you must be special to each other!"

I looked over at Jazzy and Jaxon wondering why they weren't saying anything, but they ended up being asleep. They probably got tired from all the playing around they did, I then turned my attention back to Justin's dad.

"She really is special to me and I love her way too much." Justin start talking, I looked up and smiled.

The rest of the day ended up being with dinner and of course we talked to each other about other things too, including getting to know about one another, then we all most importantly got along which is what meant most to me. Once Jazzy and Jaxon needed to get ready for bed since it was surprisingly nighttime already, Erin and Jeremy went to go and help while Justin and I were alone. Justin looked at me with his beautiful brown orbs and held both of my hands.

"I really love you so much and I'm glad we all got along."

I smiled having dimples show, when I went in to kiss. The kiss lasted a long time because Justin wanted it to last longer, while we suddenly heard someone clear their throat; Erin looked at us and laughed.

"Y'all are just so cute! I hate to interrupt, but you two should be going to bed.. You are staying, right Fatime?"

"If it's okay.." I smiled.

"Yes dear, definitely! So we can go on a girl only shopping spree or go to the spa! Sorry Justin, but I'm sure your dad will want to hang out." Erin smiled, while Justin smiled back.

Someone Else's Not So Good Fairytale. [A Justin Bieber Love Story].Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang