Chapter 34 Devil Much

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I woke up on the ground, and I looked around then I saw... Emery 3 feet away knocked out. I felt around for my sword that Ross gave me, but I didn't feel it anywhere. Oh no. "I have to get out of here." I stood up and tried to get out of there, but she grabbed my arm. This was going to be fun.

Livy's POV
I found Shelby and Re and Lucy and the guys where with them. "OMG BESTIE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR." Re screamed. Everyone looked at me. Adam walked to me,"yeah what did happen?" He asked. "Um...I went to Emery's hair salon." I said looking at his hair. "I WANT TO TRY IT." Re screamed. "Look in my eyes and tell me that, is true." He said. I looked him straight in the eyes,"I went to..." I looked at the ground,"Emery's..." I looked back at his eyes,"hair salon." I said. Before he could say anything, Emery came out from behind a tree. "DDDAAANNNGGG!" Ross, Re, Connor, Shelby, and I said at the same time. "I knew I fought you but I didn't think I jacked you up that bad." I said. "It wasn't you. It was DJ she attacked me!" Emery said. "COME BACK HERE I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU!" It was DJ. Oh gosh this is not going to go good. DJ ran over to Emery, jumped on her back, and started slapping her in the face. Then DJ jumped off Emery's back and Emery fell to the ground. "What?! I may be a princess but I don't have to act like one. Now do any of y'all have my sword?" She asked.

Ross's POV
"DJ your back!" I said looking at her. She had a serous look on her face,"do you have my sword or not?" She said. She was still mad at me. I looked at Connor he looked like he wanted to run up to her and hug her. "DJ I..." Connor was cut off by someone running up behind DJ. It was Jumma! "You got some nerves. Messing with my brother then your going to come in and TRY TO TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME!" DJ turned around and held out her hand to me. I gave her, her sword. "DJ don't. It's not worth it." She froze. She faced me, "not worth it. I am tired of all of this." Connor walked up to her a bit,"I know you are, but you can't change them." He said. She was still holding her sword. Connor walked up to her even more and took the sword from her hand. Then he gave it back to me.

Shelby's POV
I could ship all of these guys. I just needed time and I knew the perfect person who could help with that. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number,"hey it's me and I need to ship some people. About 5 couples."

Yet she didn't know they were dating. This is going to end badly.

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