Chapter 25 Two Loves

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"How are you here?" I asked as I was still in tears. Connor grabbed my arm and pulled me back a bit. "You left a long time ago." I said walking up to him. I rapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me into a hug. "Mom told me that you were dead." I said still crying. "Well mom lied." He said. "Um who is this?" Connor asked. I let go of him and faced Connor,"this is my brother Ross." I said. Everyone had there mouths open like they saw a flying pig. "YOU HAVE A BROTHER AND HE IS CUTE TOO." Re said. Ross has light brown hair and with emerald green eyes. "So we have to catch up on everything." Ross said. "Wow he is a TOTAL HOTTIE!" Re said. When Re said that Red grabbed Re waist, pulled her toward him, and kissed her. "Who's the total hottie now." Red said. "Still Ross." Re said teasingly. "I going to get you for that." Red said chasing Re,"you can't catch me." Re said like a 4 year old. Connor walked up to me and put his arm around me. "Ross this is Connor." I said. "You do know you don't have to be jealous right." I said looking up at him. "Chill dude I'm not going to take your girl from you, but I do want to borrow her." Ross said with a laugh. Mike came behind Ross,"ROSS WATCH OUT." I screamed and pushed him. I kicked the sword out of Mike's hand and right as I was about to punch Mike, Connor held me back,"remember he is still our friend." Connor said. "I don't want to be friends with someone who tried to kill my boyfriend and my brother." I said walking over to Ross.

Adam's POV
"What? You jealous because you think I like Ross right?" Livy said teasingly. "You are my girl not his. So what if I am jealous, no harm." I said pulling Livy towards me and kissing her.

Anthony's POV
"No your mine. I love you." I said to Adeline. "Well he is a TOTAL HOTTIE." Adeline said I knew what she was doing. I kissed her before she could say anything else. "Well you will be my TOTAL HOTTIE...for now." She said that made me laugh.

I helped Ross up. "Sorry I pushed you." I said,"it's no big deal. Hey can I ask you something, where is Emery?" Ross looked around. "She joined forces with Rick." I said looking down. "I told you not to go out with him." He said. "YOU KNOW MOM MADE ME." I screamed at him. "That's why you where my favorite sister." He said playfully. "Ha Ha very funny." I said walking back to Connor. Both the guys I love are here and I couldn't be happier.

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