Chapter 30 The girl to the rescue

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Instead of going to Livy's house, because we didn't trust Jumma, so we walked behind the castle. Until we heard my sister yelling into the woods at Rick she said,"HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GO! HAVEN'T YOU WATCHED MOVIES!" We all started running and we didn't care where.
(2 minutes later)
We were all safe.... In some cave.... We stopped at a big hole in the ground. We couldn't see where it went. "How deep is it?" Adeline asked. "Idk why don't you jump in and see?" Adam spoke. I almost laughed. Livy hit him hard on the arm. Adeline rolled her eyes. Re and Livy went closer to the hole. "I wonder .... We need to throw something in there." Connor said. "Ok! I got it." Mike picked up Livy and threw her down the hole and started listening. "BESTIE!" Re cried. We could hear Livy screaming. "BUT SHE-ohhhhh....." Mike tried. Adam picked him up by the collar. Then threw him on the ground. His eyes looked like he was going to kill Mike. He kneeled down by Re and looked down at the hole. We still heard her screaming. "SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!" I yelled. Adam got up. "I'm jumping." He stated. "ARE YOU AN IDIOT, wait let me restate that, ARE YOU A BIG IDIOT!" I cried. "I have to." He looked down. "DON'T WORRY I'LL SAFE YOUR WIFEFU!" Ross jumped in the hole. "ROSS NO!" It was too late. He jumped in I tried to catch him but Adam grabbed my arm and said,"if I don't get to jump in, you don't get to jump in!" I ran to Connor,"I need to get my brother." He just stared at me with a face that I couldn't read, but it looked like he was still jealous,"are you... Do you still not believe he is my brother?" I asked quietly. He looked away. I backed up. "You don't understand I... You just kept secrets in the past." He said putting his hand on the back of his neck. "I didn't even know Ross was alive after my mom sent him..." I got quiet I didn't want to talk about what happened that day. Connor stepped forward and I stepped back, "don't if you don't trust me..." I said starting to cry,"then I will find a way to get down and help my friend and my brother." I ran into the woods I heard Connor call for me but I didn't turn back I kept running and crying.

Re's POV
"HOW COULD YOU CONNOR I LOST 2 FRIENDS IN ONE DAY AND ONE TOTAL HOTTIE!" I screamed in his face. I wanted to rip his head off. I looked at Adeline,"how far down does that thing go." I knew I wasn't going to get an answer. Red came up behind and and rapped his arms around my waist, "but babe I'm your TOTAL HOTTIE..." He got close to my ear and whispered,"I'm not letting go of you until you calm down." He backed away from my ear and tightened his grip,"I can't breath." I said, I thought I was purple, he loosened his grip. "I NEED MY BETTIES!" I said pouting like a 4 year old, and I will get them back.

Ross's P.O.V.
I was falling down a hole. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*cough cough* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Splash! I landed in water. I swam out and coughed. I'm surprised I didn't lose any IHOP. I looked up to see Livy wet. I was wet to. "I came to save you!" I proclaimed. She was looking up. She got up and started to walk I followed. She was hugging herself. "Umm aren't you suppose to be the happy one." I asked "What's the point of being happy when your not with your family or friends, and if we're stuck down here with nothing." She said. She had a point, I been alone ever since.... That day.... "LIVY!" A girl voice shouted. A girl with long red hair, with a panda jacket, was running for us. She hugged Livy. "S-Shelby!" Livy was shocked. "Wh-" Livy got interrupted. "NO TIME WE GOT TO GO COUSIN, AND YOU TO CUTE GUY!" Shelby smiled. "For the last time, I'm not your cousin Re is!" Livy complained. "Yea but I call everyone cousin!" She stuck her tongue out. I blushed. She was beautiful. I liked her attitude. She was perfect, we followed her to an opening, "this is how you get out." She said pointing to the ladder. "How did you know we were here?" Livy asked. "I always know when one of my cousins is in trouble." She put on a smile. "The real answer." Livy said crossing her arms. "Fine I know where to find cute guys. It's a gift I picked up on when I was little." She smiled and started to climb the ladder. We followed behind her.

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