Chapter 32 The Secret Inside

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Re's POV
"Now I know what your thinking, why did I scream." I said to the others. "I hope you have a good reason." Adam said. "Oh I do, I wanted y'all to shut up." I said and put a huge smile on my face. No one spoke,"so I was thinking... Never mind, let's just go find DJ." I said walking in the direction I saw DJ go. "WAIT!" Connor said running up behind me. "Haven't you caused enough damage for one day." I said. He messed with my BETTIES, he is not getting out of it that easily.

Connor's POV
I felt so bad for pushing DJ away. "Look I need to apologize to DJ, and I will..." Re cut me off,"WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU!" She said. Livy walked up behind her,"YEAH WHAT RE SAID." I laughed a little. "Look lets just go and try to find Ross and I guess DJ." Red said. "What?" Mike walked up next to him. "What I want to find Ross because he promised me he would tell me what kind of hair product to use." Red said running his hand through his hair. "Oh come on I am the sexy one out of all of us." Mike said. Adam looked at them like they were stupid (which they are.) "y'all don't have no style." Adam said walking past Re,"I think I heard DJ screaming this way." He said as he kept walking. Man I miss DJ I hope she is ok.

We settled in a cave. "Hey Ross, are you ok, you look like your scared." I said standing up. "NO! I'm fine don't come over here I will be ok." He said. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. He didn't say anything. "What did you do for the last 6 years? Like, where did you stay? Who did you meet?" I tilted my head side to side. I was studying him. I looked at his leg, then his face he was in pain. "Your leg are you ok." I walked over to him. "IM FINE DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" He said. He looked at me,"please I don't want to hurt you." He faced towards the wall again. "How would you hurt me?" I said walking a little closer to him. "No please, just go." He said. That's when I lost it,"WHY IS EVERYONE PUSHING ME AWAY. FINE IF Y'ALL WANT ME OUT OF Y'ALLS LIFES SO BAD JUST SAY SO!" I ran out of the cave, I wanted to hide in a closet. I was running when I ran into a tree and blacked out. Oops!

Ross's POV
I looked out the cave, I couldn't see her, she got far. "ROSS. DJ. ARE YALL HERE!" I think that was Red. "SHHHHHHH!" Everyone said to him. They were close, "guys I'm over here." I said I walked out a bit more and saw them all 3 feet away from me, and Connor was one of them. I was still mad at him, I don't know how much longer I can keep this a secret. I closed my eyes and balled my fist. "Dude are you ok?" Someone put there hand on my shoulder, and I jerked away as fast as I could. "Dude calm down, where's DJ?" It was Adam when he said that I looked in the direction she ran. What have I done. I looked at Connor and he looked like he was going to kill me. I wish he would try.

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