Chapter 9 First sleepover

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All the girls were there by the time Livy and I got to her house. "This is going to rock!" Re said. "Yeah we can tell secrets, talk about boys, and we can get to know DJ!" A voice behind us said. It was Adam. What was he doing here. "Hey Adam, look this is a girls sleepover besides like that is what we are going to talk about." Adeline said. "Ok so what are y'all going to talk about?" Adam asked. "Go away don't ruin the girls sleepover like you did last time." Re said. "What did he do?" I asked really wanting to know. "My parents weren't home but they knew that Re, Adeline, and Lucy were going to be there. So we started talking about how we think we were going to get on our science test when..." Livy got cut off when Adam started telling the story," and then I knocked on the window and I scared them so bad!" He said. "YEAH RIGHT HE STARTED MAKING WEIRD NOIZES AND WHEN WE WENT OUTSIDE, HE JUMPED OUT THE BUSHES AND SCARED THE LIVING LIFE OUT OF US!" Re got in his face and then he started laughing so bad he couldn't breath. "Go home, and if you do that again, I will personally hunt you down and pummel you myself." Re said cracking her knuckles. "Oh I'm so scared." Adam said in a board voice. "Anyway I came to talk to Livy for a minute." Adam said. "Y'all go in and get ready I will be there in a few minutes." Livy said turning to Adam.

We went in and took our stuff out. It was like 5 mins after when Livy came back. "What was that about?" Re asked.
"He thinks that DJ is hiding something!" Livy said. "Hey guys I..." I tried to tell them that I was going to be the princess but then Adeline said,"that's crazy Adam is so annoying." "Yeah I know." Re said. "Hey are y'all going to go to the castle this coming Monday?" Re asked. "What's that?" Lucy asked. "It's where the oldest sister gets crowned queen and then she has a few months to find a prince to marry." Adeline said. "Hey I was going to tell her!" Re said. "Oh well I told her first." Adeline said in her face. We all started laughing. "Well everyone is going mainly because I just found out that the oldest sister, has a little sister that is going to be crowned princess." Livy said. I started to freak out I want to tell them but what if they don't treat me the same if they know who I really am. "Hey is everything ok DJ you look pale." Re said. "Oh yeah I'm fine hey I need to make a phone call real quick!" I said grabbing my phone and walking out the door.

I walked outside to get fresh air and to look at the sky. It was a clear night, the moon was full, and there were thousands of sparkling stars. I closed my eyes to soak in the picture of this night. Then I heard foot steps, I looked around but no one was there. "Hello?" I said out loud. The footsteps were getting louder and louder, then someone covered my mouth. I elbowed the person in the gut, the person let go then fell to the ground. "What are you doing?!" I said. "What did I ever do to you?!" It was Adam. "Well I'm sorry princess!" Adam said smirking at me. "What are you talking about?" I said trying to sound normal. "Don't play stupid, I know you are the princess. You don't pay any attention do you?" Adam said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "I am a guard there I know all about that fight of yours, the one you had with your mom said sister. Your mom sent me to watch you, she wants you to 'stay safe' but I really don't care!" He said. "Then why do you work there?" I said raising my voice. "Keep your voice down. Look the only reason I took the job was because I wanted to make my parents happy." He said leaning against the wall. "Now why don't you just tell them?" Adam asked. I was quite I didn't want to tell him anything. "Got you off guard didn't I!" He said with a smirk. "I-I don't know!" I said falling to the ground. "What?" He asked. "I don't want to be one of those stuck up princess I want to have a normal life." I said. "Who says you can't change the rules." Adam said. I got an idea and everyone was going to help. "I have an idea! You go get the other guys, I have a plan!" I said running to the door,"oh and thanks Adam." I said shutting the door in his face.

"Hey girls listen up!" I said running into Livy's room. "The guys are coming over and I have something to tell y'all all and we are going to go somewhere, just us, after I tell y'all, but y'all half to promise me one thing..." I said not wanting to go on. "WHAT?!" They all said at once. "Please don't get mad, and I am so sorry I didn't tell y'all sooner." They all looked confused. "I will explain everything when the guys get here." I said. "I'm not worrying about that what I want to know did you get the guys here?" Lucy asked. "Long story that I will tell later." I said.

The guys finally got there after 10 mins of waiting. "Now what did you have to tell us?" Adam asked with a smirk. "Wait how does he know?" Livy asked. "Like I said long story, now what I had to tell y'all..." I paused "I'm the princess and I am sorry I didn't tell y'all sooner I thought that y'all wouldn't treat me normally." I said. "Look I'm a little surprised and we will be getting back to this later, but it doesn't matter what you are we are friends and will always be." Re said. "Really?" I asked. They all looked at one another and said at the same time "YES!" They all screamed at once. "Now guys go home and get a tux or go buy one, and girls do y'all have any princess looking dresses?" I said looking at them. They all looked at one another then they all shook there heads. "Great get dressed I know where to go!" I said. "Ok we will go get tux but what..." I cut Red off, "Don't even finish that and don't worry I will tell y'all what the plan is later. Right now we have to go somewhere!" I said look at the girls.

(The guys left)

I started to walk. "Where are we going?" Adeline asked. "Yeah and why?" Lucy asked. "Y'all will see when we get there but just remember this. You can only come here if you have a princess with you." I said. "Are we going to meet your sister?" Re asked. "No but if y'all see her run. I don't need to get in even more trouble." I said. We finally arrived at the princess mall. The guards let us in pretty easy because they know my sister really well. We went into one of the shops and since I don't know anything about dresses I let my friends decide what ball gown they wanted. Adeline, got an strapless orange ball gown that goes all the way down to the floor, and had a tiny bit of gems on the top with silver flats and her hair was straitened. Re got a dark one strap purple ball gown that goes all the way to the floor, with a black head band, sparkling black flats with curly hair. Lucy got a light pink noodle straps dress with a black ribbon around the waist, and with tan 4 inch heels and in a side ponytail with waves in her hair. Then Livy had a turquoise blue ball gown, no strap, that goes all the way down, with dark blue flats with little rinstones across the side. "Wow we look like real princesses." Lucy said. "Wow look at these prices!" Re said looking at the tag. "Don't worry i will pay for it. My sister is not the only one who got a shopping pass from my grandmother. She made me take it and hey it came in handy." I said getting the card out. "Ummm DJ is that your sister?!" Livy asked. She was coming in the store! "What do we do?" Lucy said looking around. "Hide in the dressing rooms!" I said. Every one ran to the dressing rooms. "What are we going to do!" Re whispered. I told them to start putting on there normal clothes. When they were done, I peeked out the dressing room and I didn't see my sister now was the time to go checkout so they grabbed there stuff and went to the checkout.

(Back at Livy's house)

"That was crazy!" Re said leaning back laughing. "Who knew there was a secret princess mall." Adeline said in a calm voice. "I can't believe that we did that, are you going to get in trouble DJ?" Livy asked. "Don't worry I am only going to get in trouble for running away." I said looking out the window. "Hey remember we will always be here for u and plus you have our numbers right!?" Re said holding out her fist. "Right!" I said bumping her fist. "Where are the guys?" Lucy said. Livy pulled out her phone and looked at the screen. "Girls! We have a problem!" Livy said looking a Re. "What did you do this time?" Adeline said standing up. "I kinda, before we left, told the guys that we would meet them by the fair when we came back from wherever we where going. Then I texted them 'I dare y'all to put y'all suits on a manikin and then stop the ferris wheel and scream SOMEONE IS STUCK ON THE FERRIS WHEEL!' Hahaha they are idiots!" She was laughing she could barely breath. Everyone was looking at her like she was crazy. "What up? If it's about the just in there underwear thing I told them to go buy extra clothes!" She said looking at us. "Well now the guys are running from the police!" Livy said. "Oh no!" Lucy said,"not again!" We started running to where the guys are.

(5 hours of trying to bail the guys out of jail)

Adeline slapped them all in the face,"STOP LISTENING TO RE!" She turned to Re,"AND YOU NEED TO STOP MESSING WITH THE BOYS!" She started getting red in the face. "OH NO!" Mike screamed. "WHAT NOW!" Adeline screamed back. "I LOST MY TUX IT COST TEN DOLLARS!" Mike said. "Get over it! Mine cost 100 dollars!" Adam said to Mike. "Mine was was more important because I got it from Chuck E. Cheese's!" Everyone started laughing. Then the girls feel to the ground. When they finally stopped laughing they stood up. "This is the best sleepover ever." I said. "Now we will meet outside of your castle." Livy said. "Let's do it!" Re said. We all went home but me.

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