Chapter 18 Temtation

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Adam's POV
We were leaving the cages. DJ stayed with us all night until 6:30 then she went to her room to get ready, but the guys know I can't help I have to deal with something else. We walked to the main room waiting for the signal. "NOW!" DJ said from behind the thrown. I. stomped on the guards foot then I head butted the guard and went to get the guard off of Livy. Mike, Connor, Anthony, and Red had gotten free and were helping the girls. Except Connor wasn't doing anything even though DJ was trying to fight off her sister AND Rick. "CONNOR GO HELP HER!" I yelled at him. He looked up and saw DJ fighting both of them and her mother was walking down. Connor ran and got both of them off of her and DJ ran from her mom. I grabbed Livy and took her to the side where non of them could see us. I pushed Livy against the wall. "Can you talk to me. You haven't said anything to any of us." I said. Sense I was like a foot taller than her she looked straight and shook her head. I leaned in closer she tried to hold me back,"aw come on what's having a girlfriend who won't talk to me?" I asked sarcastically. She blushed bright red,"oh so now your embarrassed." I said.

Livy's POV
I tried backing up even more but it didn't help and I am so mad because Re wouldn't stop poking me last night and hurt because Adam and I have been dating for 3 years and he has never told me. I tried to hold back the tears and tried to push him away but it didn't work he had the strength of a bull. I tried not to talk to him, all I had to do was hold it in. "Look I'm sorry I didn't want to tell you..." He started to say,"JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed then covered my mouth. "Now we're getting somewhere." He said with his evil smile. "You didn't hear that." I said covering my mouth again. "Or that" I said again. He pulled my hand away from my mouth,"I know what your thinking." He said 'yeah thanks now leave me alone.' "I know I'm sexy." 'Not what I was thinking' "but your better. You make my life complete." He said and then he kissed me. "Oooohhhhh ROMANCE!" We turned to face Red. "I'm going to kill you." Adam said. "If I don't get killed by the queen." Red said running away.

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