Chapter 22 The Rescue

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I woke up in a chair. I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I looked around I, I was between Adam on my right and Connor on my left. We where where the throws used to be. "Guys?!" I whisper-shouted. Someone walked up behind me and put there hand on top my head,"you have 5 seconds to take your hands off me before I kill you." I said. The person got close to my ear, "try me if you want to see those friends of yours again." It was Rick of course. "YOU WANT TO GO, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GO." I screamed at him. Across the room I saw 7 guards come through the door 1 guard for each one of my friends. They tied Livy next to Adam, Re and Red sat next to each other, Adeline and Anthony together, and Lucy and Mike together. Oh and did I mention they all hade a cut on there forehead. I looked at Connor. What was going to happen, this is all my fault.

Adam's POV
I woke up I saw DJ trying to wake Connor up. "DJ?" I said looking at her. "Finally someone is up. I've been trying to get y'all up for 5 minutes." She said with tears in her eyes,"are you crying?" I said. "NO?! I was just... AHAHAHAHA?!" She screamed. I looked back and held a pipe he swung right for my head and I ducked just in time, but I faked like he hit me. I looked at Livy, Adeline broke her chains and snuck up behind Rick, grabbed the pipe, and smacked him in the back of the head that's when Re and  Lucy did the same thing. "How did y'all..." DJ stared to say until Adeline finished her sentence,"don't worry all three of us have a plan, oh and those cuffs where just plastic." Adeline walked over to Livy at woke her up. Then Rick was coming up behind Adeline, I broke the chains and punched Rick to the ground. "Oh yours where made of plastic to?" Adeline and DJ said at the same time. "No" I said running up to Livy. "Then how did you... Never mind. Now can someone please untie me." DJ said. Adeline helped her. "Thanks now let's get the others up and get out of here." Adeline said. We all agreed and got everyone untie everyone and waited for everyone to get up. "We will have to leave when they all get up." I said I looked at Adeline and she nodded her head, I looked at DJ and she was looking at the ground. She was hiding something.

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