Chapter 27

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Ross's POV
I got to know Connor and he's not that bad but I'm still watching him. I don't trust any guy that goes near my sister anymore. "Ross are you ok?" DJ asked as all of us were going to the village. "I'm fine." I said. "You know that when you say those two words it means you lying." She said. "Hey guys where's Adam." The strait blond headed girl said. "He was right behind you wasn't he?" The girl with glasses said. "Who are they?" I asked DJ. "Oh! That's right I forgot. This is Re and right behind her is Red." DJ said pointing to the girl with glasses. "This is Livy and the spiky haired boy is Adam but he's not here." She pointed to the strait blond headed girl. "This is Lucy and standing behind her is Mike." She said pointing to the shortest girl out of all of them. "Ad this is Adeline and standing behind her is Anthony." Is said pointing to the curly haired girl. She whispered in my ear,"can you believe she is the leader that was suppose to be me." She said like a 4 year old. "I heard that!" Adeline said. "You were meant to." DJ said. It good to have my sister back. I put my hand on her head,"you have 3 seconds to get you hand off of me." She death glared me. I laughed a little and took my hand off.

Livy's POV
I told everyone to my house. DJ's mom, sister, and Rick were still in the castle. So we had to leave and they don't know where any of us leave.
(15 minutes later at Livy's house)
"So what are we going to do now?" Lucy asked. Tap tap tap... It was coming from the window,"Hey maybe it is Adam." I said. "Fine but if jumps out at us I am going to hurt him." DJ said. "Agreed!" Adeline and Re said the the same time. The guys didn't say anything. They know something, I think they know it Adam but you never know.

The girls and I walked outside. "Adam we know your out here your not going to scare us again." I said. There was no answer of course. "Adam come out." Livy said. I went to go look in the front of the house I put my back against the wall. I peeked around the wall. When I looked back I saw EMERY. She was one house down and she was in the shadows and looking inside of people's houses. If I had to guess she was looking for me. "Hey DJ..." Re was talking I covered her mouth and looked back Emery was heading in this direction. "Quick go inside." I whisper-screamed. We all ran in and went in Livy's room. I peeked out the window and she was right in front of us with her back turned to us I closed the blinds very carefully and mouthed to all of them to be quiet. This is all my fault.

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