Chapter 7 Sneek back in

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It was 10:00 by the time when I got to the castle. "Oh no mom and dad are going to kill me if they find out that I sunk out." I said. I opened the door a little so I could see if anyone would notice I was outside the castle. I looked in and saw my mom walking back and forth talking to the guards,"Just find her!" I heard her say. "Oh no I forgot my phone, she was trying to call me." I said quietly. I had to get in but how...ah my secret tunnel. (So I could get away from my mom when I was little)

The tunnel was under my favorite tree (that I would always go to when I needed to get away from my family.) The tree was behind the castle and only I know about it. I lift up the trap door and go in. I would be in my room in about 5 mins.

I made it too my room. I went down stairs and I know how to lie out of it. "Mom what's going on!" I asked in a tired voice. "Where have you been!" She asked sternly. "I don't know I feel asleep somewhere I wasn't sure where but don't worry I'm fine." I said in my most laziest voice. I was about to go back to my room when it was too quite. "Hey mom where's Emery?" I asked. "Um go check her room." My mom said looking at the chandelier and telling the guards what to do for the ball.

I was in front of my sister door I knock 2..then 3...then 1 (that's out sister knock) the door opened, she grabbed my arm and yanked me in. She was going back and forth looking like she was going to explode. "What's wrong you are never this freaked out!" I said to her. "Everyone is going to be at the ball, the princesses and princes' from the other kingdoms are going to be there, the village people are going to be there too." She said bursting out into tears but I still didn't get why? "Look I know being crowned queen is scary but it's going to be so much fun!" I said excitedly. "It's not that!" She said walking over to her window,"how do you act normal? Like how do you not act like a princess it's like..." She paused looking for the words,"your a regular person. How do you act like that? How do you stay true to yourself?" She said not looking at me. "Because I don't care what other people think of me. I don't care if they think I'm not cool just because I don't have the latest fashion or the newest phone. I just like to be myself. Where is this coming from?" I said to her in a calm voice. "Because your always so... not like a princess I mean..." I cut her off. You know what follow me. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to my room. It's finally time I get rid of that fake sister now I will show the real sister hidden under all that makeup and gowns.

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