Chapter 31 She ran off

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Livy's POV
"So Shelby, are you going to stay to see Everyone?" I asked. She didn't answer just that second. "I...I don't think I am. I am only saying this because Re said, the last time I saw her, I was trying to take Red from her, Lucy said that my fashion was horrible, but really look at hers, and you said that I was taking Adam from you." She stopped talking. I remember that day. "Well can you come for a little while, I want you to meat someone new." I said probably sounding bubbly. "Ok sure." She said in a happy voice. We got all the way to the top,"where is everyone?" I asked. "Well there that way silly." Shelby said pointing forward.
(10 minutes later)
"GUYS!" I screamed. "LIVY!" It was Adam. I ran forward, and I didn't know he would be right there so I ran into him and he fell to the ground and I fell on top of him. "Sorry!" I stood up. He stood up and he kissed me. "LIVY! BESTIE!" Re ran into me and gave me a hug. "I WAS ABOUT TO KILL MIKE! INSTED I KNOCKED HIM OUT AND TIED HIM UP! JUST FOR YOU!" Re screamed in my ear. Shelby and Ross were behind me. Everyone was here, but it felt way to quite,"Where's DJ?" I asked. I looked at Connor. He had regret in his eyes. I looked at Ross and he was clutching his fist. "Ok where did she go?" I asked. Connor didn't answer, he looked in the woods. "She went in there didn't she." I said. Connor nodded. Ross looked like he was going to explode.

Ross's POV
I was so sick and tired of guys getting close to my sister and then break her heart. I...I had to get out of here before they no notice that I'm not myself anymore. "I have to go." I said walking away. "You can't go looking for her now." Adam said. I clutched my fist trying to hold back the real me so I wouldn't hurt anyone. I walked behind a tree, sat down, and closed my eyes. I had to clear my head of all of this. That's when I heard faint whispering, then I faint scream. I followed the sound. "Hello." I said. (I was like a mile from the castle.) "NO GET AWAY!" I knew that voice it was DJ. I was heading in the direction that I heard her voice. I was running then she ran into me and we fell to the ground. "Are you ok." I asked. "Yes I'm fine come on we need get out of here." She said as she got up at ran. We ran until we were out of breath," running?" I asked breathing in between each word. "I saw Rick and he started walking toward me, as for the scream that you heard I have no clue who that was." She said. Man I hope the others are ok.

The Tomboy PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora