Chapter One: 100 Sleepless Nights

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A/N my god. I told myself I would never ever do this. Never in a million years. Nope. Never gonna happen. we are...:( hope it's awesome.


I sat in my bed. They were having a pizza party which I was specifically told I was not invited to. I didn't care. I pulled out a small book and started to read. 'And the princess married the prince, and they lived happily ever after'. I sighed. If only life was that simple...

The smell of pizza wafted up to my nose and I set my book down with a snap. One of the women who worked at the orphanage named Amy handed me a plate with two slices of pizza on it. My stomach growled. 

"I didn't see you downstairs," she said. The pizza stared back at me and my stomach growled once again. 

"Thanks." I told her. She nodded and smiled weakly. 

"Terra, what's going on?" She watched me eating the pizza and my hunger subsided a bit. "Are you feeling okay?" 

I nodded and swallowed a delicious bite of the cheesiness. She smiled and put her hand on my arm. Her fingertips grazed the scars. She flinched slightly as she took her hand off my dirty wrist. "Are the other girls treating you nicely?" she questioned sympathetically. 

My thoughts instantly went to Maria and her friends cornering me and calling me a crack baby. Their punches and their kicks. "Oh yeah." I lied. The woman sighed. 

"You'd tell me, right?" she sounded hopeful. Fuck her. 

"Of course." I told her, smiling. What a lie. She then left, patting me on the shoulder. I put the plate with the pizza crusts on the floor next to my cot and shoved my earbuds in my ears, falling asleep to 'Amy Says' By Flyleaf. 


"Wake the fuck up!" snarled a female voice in my ear. My eyes flew open and I clutched at my iPod. Of course, it was gone. 

I stared at the face that was illuminated by my iPod's screen. My heart sank. It was Maria.

"What?" I asked, trying to be tough. I rubbed my face slightly, trying to rub off any sign of weakness. I heard snickers around me. They belonged to Maria's so called friends, Janice, Serena, and Lisa. 

"Guess what time it is?" Maria asked cruelly, scratching my hand evilly with her long nails. I flinched as her nails cut into my skin. I tried to sit up, but I was pushed down by my chest. "Guess what time it is." Maria snarled more forcibly. 

"Three." I cracked. I didn't know. Maria laughed. 

"Who gave you the food?" Questioned Serena in a taunting voice. Fuck. I forgot to hide the plate. 

"Amy." I told her, my eyes starting to well up in tears. They were going to hurt me. "Please, just leave me al-" out of nowhere, a slap shut me up, and I tasted blood. Oh my God, not again...

"Fu-" I started, but I was cut off with something being stuffed into my mouth. I think they were dirty underwear from one of the girls. I instantly started to twist away. I was terrified as a hand closed on my mouth to seal the fabric in my mouth. 

"Shut up, Terra!" snarled another voice. I started to cry again. 

"What a cry baby." laughed Maria. She poked me in the breast and I gave a muffled shout. I was yanked from my bed and tumbled to the floor. They grabbed my hair and started to drag me to the bathrooms by my hair. I wanted to scream, but I could only cry. 

I could see the other girls, waking up and rubbing their eyes. Most of them were jeering at me. The rest of them looked away, hoping that Maria wouldn't bully them next when I was dead. My heart began to beat faster as they yanked me into a stall. Someone flipped on the light. They suddenly let go of me and I spat out the undergarments. I started to hyperventilate. What the fuck were they going to do to me?

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