Author's Note

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Author's Note

So that's it!

The story Xavi and Dani ends here...

I may have dragged too long in doing this story because I had so much to do with my life.. But i hope i didnt disappoint.


This is a work i have started for fun at first. Apparently, i was feeling ignored one time... And though of maybe doing a book about a girl who's too bitchy just because she feels uninvited.

You know what, it's true. Those people who rants alot and who are irritable just needs love. Love them... They are lonely and just cant express their feelings well.

It will all pay off dont worry. :)

Anyhow, I'll be seeing more of you guys in my other works right? :P

Thank you for reading this book and for being patient enough to wait for a long month update haha.

Maybe I'll do a bonus chapter... If i think it's needed haha or if i feel like it.

All the love. As always. ;)

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