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The knock on my office door startled me from my work. I gave a quick glimpse on my watch.


As far as I know, my schedule is clear of appointments today and the next three days for planning of the charity celebration that the company is sponsoring. The knock came again, louder this time, "Ms. Kinsley?"

"Come in" I cleared my throat and uttered in a nonchalant way.

Zoe, my brunette 23 year old assistant, opened the large wooden door and tilted her head to eye me, " Ms. Dani, Benjamin stopped by and told me to inform you that Mr. Kinsley will be dropping by im an hou-"

"What for?" I gasped, sitting straighter from my dismissive position earlier.

Why would my dad check on me today of all the days?

I just broke up with my good for nothing, gold digging, cheater boyfriend of a year and now my dad is visiting the office for god knows what.

"He'll be taking Mr. Morriso-"

"Hugh?" I asked, interrupting Zoe then again.

Hugh is my father's best buddy back in the days. He is like a second dad for me but with my college out of the country and being a crazy workaholic, I've been constantly absent every dinner with the close family.

Back to Zoe, all it took for me to sink back in my chair and wish that Louis Kinsley delay the visit is when my personal secretary shook her head, "Not Mr. Hugh but his son, Xavier"

No. Not him.

Last I remembered he was this fat guy who can't keep his hands on his own plate! Not to mention the time when he slipped and told my father that I never got a perfect grade in second grade math because I cheated.

That obese Xavier is such a suck up that no one in school likes; a teacher's pet. So pretty much I hate to see him.

"When did he arrived?" I spoke up, knowing that Xavier was shipped to England after fifth grade. So long for the loser ei?

"I wasn't informed Ms. Kinsley" she sheepishly smiled.

I nodded and waved to dismiss her, looking back at the documents on top of my desk. My hands rubbed my temples, suddenly having a serious headache. Too much for problems this week.

But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms

My phone blasted.

And if you like having secret little rendezvous

I ravaged my Louis Vuitton handbag for my mobile.

"Urgh" I grunted.

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do
Baby, I'm perfect
Baby, I'm perfect for you

Who in their right mind would call me during work hours?

And if you like midnight driving with the windows down


What does he wants now? I frowned.

Without further thoughts, I slide my finger on the green button.

And if you like going places we can't even pro-

"Kai I already told you-"

I was cut by his low voice, "Dani I'm sorry"

His tone was shockingly sincere, filled with all the guilt he holds.

But I already established that I'm no relarionship kind of girl. My older sister Meagan is that kind of girl.

Parties and fun are for her while business and studies are for me.

People sees me as a stuck up lady with glasses on; nothing to do but read books every weekend. Not like Maegan who is the epitome of a beautiful; too much liveliness and friends to celebrate her weekends with.

"No Kai, I already made up my mind. Have fun-"

"Please Dani... It wasn't my fault... I swear I didn't-"

"You didn't what? Don't tell me you didn't because shoving down your tongue down that slut's throat, with your birthsuit, in your goddamn appartment is freakin-"

"That wasn't the case! I'm drunk..." he trailed.

I shook my head, not wanting to lengthen this conversation any further.

"And she's my best frie- my ex best friend" I seethed, remembering the vivid scene.

My boyfriend is shagging my college bestfriend. Too messed up if you ask me.

Good thing I don't believe in love and forever.


"Damnit! Get lost Kai Whitlock" I shouted, flicking the red light and successfully disconnecting the call.

For all I know, my ex bestfriend were having her wardrobe full of my lost belongings. Might as well visit her one time from now and check things out for myself.

Screw her for whoring herself to my delusional ex boyfriend who would kiss the floor any rich girl walks on.

My internal fight collided when a voice boomed from the widely opened door, "Dani!"

I whipped my head and stood abruptly, "Dad"

All the murderous thoughts flying out the window amd a sweet fake smile plastered on my lips.

My eyes shifted to another figure emerging from the entrance. To say I was flabbergasted is an understatement.

He looked too handsome for this world and his towering height is unbelievable. Maybe 6 foot 3 or 4 even.

I may be a stone lady but I know what's good looking from not and pinpoint what is attractive or nay.

The black suit complimented his perfect gelled hair. The moment ours eyes met made my breathing hitch. He has this long crooked nose, deep set blue orbs and hell his cheekbones and jaw are some perfectly engineered ones.

Dang he is gorgeous but his smirk slowly twitched sending me to bar my walls up and strong - he is a douche, all men are douchebags with the exemption of my father and uncle Hugh.

"Dani dear, remember Xavier? Well he is starting today" my dad chuckled, sitting down the chair opposite my work table.

Oh how could I forget? My dad, Louis, is to bring the new representative of Morrison Industries to meet me. Great day for me! Not.

"Nice to see you Dani doll", Xavier mocked with his brow challenging me.

Oh not that pet name. Kill me now please.

I straightened my shirt and sat as he moved to settle at the other couch by my desk.

"Nice to see you again Drippy Xavi" I countered my face free from emotion.

Take that.

The last thing I saw is Xavier's obvious scowl. Instantly making me smile in victory.

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