19: Some Preggy Lady She Is

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Chapter 19: Some Preggy Lady She Is

Events made my life better than no celebrations at all. However, my social skills took the opportunity of having friends down that drain.

You see, not all people have the power to socialize, well that's my opinion. Because if you know me, you'll eventually if not abruptly agree with me.

I slid the call button on Kai's name before strutting outside my bedroom at 9 in the morning.

Why I'm calling my ex?

This evening is the partner's night Hugh and Louis are looking forward to. The two lads are pretty much hyped up to meet Kai, worst thing here is that Louis didn't know we broke off a couple of weeks back, maybe a month.

"Dani" he spoke after two rings.

"Get ready for tonight will you?" I went straight to the point.

His alluring 'just woke up' voice filled my ears, "Last minute invitation?"

Obviously, I haven't told him anything about the party. I had tons to do the past few days that led me rush searching a dress and an escort.

"Will you? Or not?"

The chuckle I gain familiarity with burst on the other end, "Of course love, I've heard you're hosting a partnership celebration. How's 7pm?"

"Sounds good. Wear some plain suit and don't be late"

"Aye aye"

I disconnected the conversation as soon as he agreed with me. That's not rude or anything mean, that's normal for a Dani Kinsley and Kai knows it.

The day came by like a blur. Almost as if I never felt the significance of the little things. For some it is indeed unfortunate, but for me? I agree to disagree. Yes. I, Dani Kinsley, is a fan of MIB... Who isn't? I sighed, because the wind would've rolled its eyes on my failed humor. But he wasnt here. No one is here, no one is invited here.

With the pop of my lips, to smoothen the nude colored lipstick and let the day worry about its own. I saunter down my walk-in dresser to finally remove this black robe and replace it with my new baby blue shimmering cocktail dress.


The clock says.

I should be done by 7, I thought.

Gently, I took the stunning diamond short dress from the dresser and wore it on with as much care as I would for a baby.

This is freakingly expensive to just be treated as trash alright.

The color enhanced my features and skin. Alas, I am perfectly imperfect.

There are times I think so low of myself which is not something new for a lady, all girls feels insecure at some point of their lives.

However, I'm pretty sure I am so close to shutting myself out of the real world just to get myself fixed.

Sad? Nah... Maybe... I guess... Whatever.

I huffed silently and dragged my bare feet to my bedroom, while my both hands carries each pair of my white stilettos.

Time to rock this thing, the knock on my door says everything.

With the great amount of confidence which I don't even know where I got from and a whole lot of pretense, I took my necessities and strutted out the flat with my head held high.

It wasn't that long of a ride when Kai and I arrived at the events place. The party wasn't booming yet it is packed with very much distinguished ladies and gentlemen throughout the country. Yes. That is how our partners night is going.

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