15: Si, Papá. Todo Esta Claro

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Chapter 15: Si, Papá. Todo Esta Claro

A week blew so fast and Xavier didn't act like he should've had in the past. His cocky remarks and jaw dropping voice was now reserved when I'm around. Why did I say so?

Well, I held this Executive Department meeting five days ago and he never mess up. His eyes were serious and his every word meant business.

The second time I felt so off is where Xavier and Zoe laugh at their own conversation before lunch rolls but the two remained silent when I pass by.

The Last major ignorance Xavier did was two days ago. I had to go to Louis' early for the new project he wanted me to lead, another event though not for charity. Xavier and I was bound in the lift for god knows how long but he never spoke. I feel ignorned. Neglected. Hurt.

Why do I feel like this? It's because I gave it to myself. I knew this would happen but I trusted him too much and that led to my demise.

You see, I still haven't moved on with it. Whatever Xavier drugged me with. Good thing Kai and I are better now. Tulisa went goo goo a couple of times but we dissed.

Speaking of Kai, he wants me back and I could tell he gives an effort. He goes all the way from his work to mine for lunch and gives me bouquet of red roses most mornings - when I say most, it is everyday for a week, I even have one today.

I say he is sweet and all that romantic novels and cherry tops; however, one time he messed up meant he cheated and if he did cheat he could do it all over again. Like Xavier, as hard as it is to compare them, he left me and he could leave all over again.

Back to Kai, I was getting 'normal' around him. 'Normal', being the girl he met a year ago and the one he said that he fell in love with. He didn't thought of me being cold as hell because Kai already know that behind this iron lady cries a weak girl who couldn't even kill a roach as small as a beetle.

Kai knew me for a year and he had me there. Apparently, he is one of the people who know me too well that it scares me.

For that week gone, people started to gossip saying Kai and I are back together or like Kai and Dani are into some deals again as worse as it sounds. Although the truth is just between me and Kai.

What is the truth? I hate him and he knows it. But I need him and he knows it as well. I need the distraction even how small the distraction is. With Xavier's negligence towards me, I needed all the help I could get even it is in the form of Kai Whitlock - the man said he loves me but also the man who cheated on me.

I grabbed my Hermes, preparing to leave the office for it's already 9 in the evening. A CEO who is overworking is not as common as air ei?

With the partnership night coming in two weeks, the necessity of working late is a must. Louis and Hugh are glad to announce the evening just for partners and the special people.

I drove home with a one direction song in the background. Radio and the young people are goodfriends ei? Where did my Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey at?

I reached my apartment building and took my things with me to the top floor.

As usual, the suite was cold and silent. So I opened all the lights on, flickering the speakers to life as I pass by the living room and instantly the classical music poured throughout the house.

My feet dragged me to the kitchen, directly opposite the fridge. I grabbed a champange glass above the kitchen cabinets and got myself a half full of red wine.

I inhaled the intoxicating scent of the liquid and sipped, a sublt burning sensation sweep through my throat.

Not long, I sat on the living room couch, resting my head back. I never felt so lonely before. Kai and Xavier made me feel wanted and now I long it. So bad because the former betrayed me and the latter left without giving a fight or breaking a leg.

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