3: I Have Issues

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Jean Baptiste Maunier as Xavier Morrison

Chapter 3: I Have Issues

I went to my room when we reached my penthouse. Xavier might have seen my puffed face but good thing he didn't ask or make any comments - because those are thw last thing I needed.

Locking myself on the confines of my bedroom, I jumped on the bed, throwing my bag on the floor.

If Xavier dropped me at the office, I don't know how to cope. My employees would be flabbergasted that I, Dani Kinsley, is capable of crying my eyes out.

Unbelievably speaking, I thank Xavier's sensitivity this moment. I won't face the weird expressions my workers would give me or the smiles they will have on their features that I am hurting for the first time.

My rumbling stomach is long forgotten as I released my built up frustrations.

Covering my ugly face with my pillow, I screamed. Hard. Hard that my throat hurts.

How unfortunate could one possibly become?

I may be rich. But I got no real friends, no one would take me seriously unless it is business, and obviously, the world doesn't care if I am fed up.

I am lonely and no one even knows that I am.

- - -
A knock on my door make me groan.

I glanced at the clock on my night table.

8 in the evening.

I slept for 4 hours.

I shifted my weight and thought who could be here in this hour?


Who would get inside my flat at this hour?!

Knocking on my bedroom door?!

I sat upright and waited as the knock came again, a voice followed, "Dani, wake up and open the door"

"Xavier?" I whispered, shuffling to the wooden panel.

His white dress shirt is pulled up to his elbows, showing his virile arms. They way I see it, he has been in the apartment since we got here - with that disheveled hair.

My eyes raked down to what he is holding out for me.

My pasta.

It was microwaved, the steam is clear.

"You haven't eaten anything yet" he muttered, pushing pass me and settling the bowl on my table.

"It's getting late, you can go" I mumbled, still standing beside the door frame.

Xavier sat down the cushion adjacent to my bed and he looked amused, "I'm not some grade schooler who has some 9 o'clock curfews"

"Oh" I started pacing to my bathroom - not bothering to respond to Xavier's sarcasm - shocked on my exhausted state.

My mascara wasn't all over the place but the dark circles are seen as well as my pale lips.

I rinsed my make up off, if they are still there after my meltdown.

Grabbing a couple of nighties, I changed and looked if I am presentable enough with a guy guest on the house.

Nodding at my decent red cotton dress which covers just down my knees and a good sleeve to leave the unwanted imaginations, I went out the ensuite.

Xavier is still on the couch, the flat television now on.

"Thank you" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

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