21: Getting There

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Chapter 21: Getting There

"Daniiii" Kelsey beamed, running towards me just as I opened the front door.

It has been a good week since I stepped down from office and been traveling quite often with some friends I hold dear.

Truth is, I just got back from a 3-day tour in Greece with my sister, Maegan.

Yes. We had a bonding time for 3 days... No one could've imagined but... We did had fun.

Oh and let me tell you, Greece... Specially Mykonos. Pffft. Perfect!

Might as well live there but no can do for a woman like me. They are really loud people and I'm inclined to a more peaceful environment. It's funny though, I mean their words are really a mouthful and it's entertaining. In a good sense of the word of course.

After all the 'giving up' I did, my sister understood all the misconceptions. My bestfriend, Tulisa, felt bad with not seeing the misery I was in. My father became proud of me...

My ex boyfriend respected my decision with not helping him get the money he needed. Indeed the Whitlock family is in debt to an investor but Tulisa made sure that Kai gets a job under her dad's company.

"Dani?" the voice I long was heard echoing from the hallways.

That Xavier? He loved me and showed me how to love in return.

My smile stretched up until my ears if that's even possible. "I'm home"

Xavi appeared on top of the staricase in his grey suit pants and plain white dress shirt. For a week, we had our own problems fixed.

Kelsey was even adopted by Xavier now. Officially.

Whoever Kelsey's father is, no one would ever know. Not me, not Kelsey, just between Xavier and Ofelia... That's good bargain anyways, because no one would be stressed out.

I ran up the stairway and locked Xavier to my embrace. I love this man. I loved this man for so long and just now I had the power to show it. He smelled really nice. Exquisite and elegant. Very mature.

Whatever love is, I know I'm feeling it and I'm not afraid to show it.

"I miss my love so much" Xavier chuckled, pecking my lips like the wind does to a flower. "How's Greece?" he added.

"Greece was beautiful. But you're more wonderful" I kissed him dearly, forgetting the little girl by the end of this staircase.

Kelsey cleared her throat, "I think you two are gross"

I pushed Xavi a good distance away from me but his hands are still locked on my waist. Sending Kelsey a shrug in return, I randomly asked "How's my little girl then?"

She pouted, "Dad has been really mean to Cole if you're asking about it"

Cole is a great boy. I love this childhood love Maya has been talking about.

I elbowed the man quite harshly making him groan in return, "Not to mean sweetheart. I love Cole's family. I admire the kid. Witty"

I slowly descended down the stairs as Xavier followed me. Kelsey on the other, she made her way to the dining room for breakfast.

With the young girl sotting on one of yhe chairs by the table, I leaned at the counter after getting a warm cup of hot chocolate. This feels like home. Kelsey gobbling her cereals and Xavier reading the morning newspaper with a coffee mug on hand feels like home.

I will never be too busy for these people.

I love them. I know I do.

Xavier's eyes met mine and lingered for good seconds. He smiled lovingly, "Get ready to go in an hour. We have somewhere to be"

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