Chapter Twelve: Perfect

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Frustrated that I still had not received a reply from Edward, I drove straight home. Once I arrived, I immediately recognized the silver Volvo parked across the street and my frustration quickly disappeared and was replaced with happiness. I walked up to the door a little too fast, and after I passed through the threshold, I immediately inhaled Edward's scent coming from the living room. Smiling to myself, I walked into the room and saw him sitting in the large chair, Charlie sitting on the couch. There was a game on TV, and I immediately had no interest in it.

I looked at Edward and raised my brows in curiosity. He turned his head to look at me and smiled my favorite crooked smile of his, and if my heart would still beat, the beating would have escalated. Smiling back at him, I said hello to Charlie and walked past them to enter the kitchen. The sink had dishes in them, so I ran the water and started to clean them.

I could feel someones presence enter the room, and when a hand grabbed my waist, I knew who it was. Turning me around to face him, Edward leaned in and kissed my lips softly.

"Hello, beautiful." He greeted once our lips broke apart, and I smiled up at him.
"Hi." His hands were still on my hips, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I missed you." He whispered, resting his cheek on top of my head as I rested my face against his chest.
"I texted you." I replied softly, forgetting the water was left on.
"I meant to text back, but Charlie distracted me from doing so." He answered, and I looked up confused.
"I decided it might be good if I spent more time with my love's father. He's not too interesting, though. All he wanted to do was watch the game." He smiled and I laughed softly, "That's Charlie for you. But that was sweet, thank you for keeping him company." He smiled down at me before leaning down to kiss me again, this time a little more deeply. When he pulled away, he frowned.

"You smell of wet dog." He laughed out loud, and I laughed with him. Suddenly, Edward was out of my arms and standing beside me, his back against the fridge. I knew the Charlie was coming, so I turned around and ran my hands under the water, quickly thinking of something to do in case he asked why we were laughing. Creating bubbles with the soap, I quickly turned toward Edward and smirked evilly before blowing it on his sweater. He looked down in shock, and laughed again before reaching over me to grab a towel. Just then, Charlie strode into the room; I sometimes forget that with our speed, we could so something in less than a few seconds and make it feel like longer.

"What's so funny?" Charlie asked, like I had expected him to. Turning the water off after rinsing the plate, I took the towel out of Edward's hands before replying.
"I just threw some bubbles on him, that's all." I laughed as I looked at the small wet spot on Edward's sweater. "Ah, well I just came in to grab a beer." Edward stepped out of the way so Charlie could get in the fridge, and I dried the plate before placing it back in the cupboard. Charlie smiled at us and left us alone again, re-entering the living room.

"Are you coming over tonight?" He asked me quietly.
"If you want me." I smiled up at him.
"I'll always want you, Bella."
"Well then I'll be there. I need to take a shower first, though. I'll just come over when I'm done, okay?"
He smiled again and placed a kiss on my forehead, before I walked him to the door.
"It was nice spending time with you, Charlie." Edward called out to him. Charlie smiled and waved a goodbye, and I shut the door after him. I walked into the living room and sat down in the chair Edward was sitting in.

"Well, he's better than I thought. Doesn't talk much, but he's polite. We get along good, I guess I uh, approve." Charlie seemed uncomfortable, and I smiled at him. "I'm glad you like him." I said, and Charlie smiled back at me. "Well, as long as you're happy."
"I am, he makes me happy."
"That's good. So how was Jake?" He changed the subject quick, not being one to express feelings and talk about them.
"He's good. Have you seen him recently? He's massive. He's super buff now." Charlie raised his brows before speaking, "Billy mentioned that he's into weight lifting now. I just hope he doesn't go over board, he's still a kid." I nodded my head to avoid any more conversation and stood up, excusing myself so I would take a shower.


I left my house as soon as Charlie turned in for the night. The run to Edwards was short, and as soon as I took the first step leading up to the balcony, Edward was outside and hugging me. The embrace was sweet, and when we pulled out of each others arms, he leaned down to kiss me deeply. I loved how affectionate Edward was, he always made me feel ways I've never felt before.

He led me inside and I was surprised to find the house empty, not hearing any movement in any other rooms above us. I looked up at Edward questioningly, and as if he could read my mind, he answered my unspoken question.

"Rose and Emmett went to go see a movie, date night for them. Jasper, Alice, Carlisle and Esme went hunting so they can prepare Jasper for returning to school after the break."
I nodded my head, always forgetting about how being around humans was harder for Jasper, so they'd take him hunting more often. My excitement grew when I realized that their Christmas break ended in only two days, and that I would finally go to an actual school and be around humans. Although the thought did scare me slightly knowing what I was capable of, I knew I'd have Edward by my side, and he wouldn't let me do anything that would make me feel guilty for the rest of eternity.

Edward broke me out of my thoughts and worries when he grabbed my hand gently, leading me up the stairs so we could go to his room. When he opened the door, I walked over and sat down on his couch as Edward placed a CD in his stereo and pressed play. I closed my eyes as the soft melody I quickly recognized as "Clair De Lune", a classical my mother used to play when I was only a baby.

Edward took a seat beside me, and with my eyes still closed, I leaned in and rested my face against his shoulder, breathing in his scent I have begun to love so much. In a quick movement, Edward had us both laying down beside each other, cuddling as we listened quietly to the music. Edward had his arms wrapped around my small body, and I had my cheek rested against his chest, my eyes never opening.

I wished I could fall asleep like this, being in his arms, feeling comfortable and safe.
"What are you thinking about?" Edward asked softly, breaking the silence as the music changed to a new song.
"Wishing I could fall asleep like this." I laughed quietly, opening my eyes so I could look up at him. He was gazing back down at me, and he smiled my favorite smile when our eyes met.
"It does feel perfect, doesn't it? I wish I could fall asleep in your arms, as well." Readjusting my body so I wasn't so far away from his face, I moved my head so it laid on the pillow beside him, our eyes never breaking contact. The music was still playing quietly in the background, but I had already tuned it out, putting my full focus on Edward.

His eyes left mine and looked down at my lips, and very slowly he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss became more passionate and urgent, and I knew we'd have to stop it soon. Edward and I had agreed to take things slow, he hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend officially, although in unspoken words I knew he was mine, and I was his.

Edward must have been thinking the same thing, because he broke apart our lips and sighed softly before speaking.

"Bella, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me with a smirk playing at his lips, knowing I've been wanting him to ask me officially for a while now.
Not wasting anymore time, I smiled at him and answered a simple "Yes".

His lips found mine again, and everything felt perfect.

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