Forty four

41 1 0

I wake up and groan. I'm hungry but I don't want to get up. I do, however, turn around only to be greeted with a cold spot on the bed.

I shutter and turn back around. I finally open my eyes to see Calum sitting on his desk chair. He's slouching over the computer.

I mumble incoherently and even I don't know what I just said. "What?" Calum asks then yawns. I can tell he wasn't facing me.

"How long have you been up?" I manage to ask.

"Since, like, midnight. Or something." He says and I sigh.

"What were you doing up so late, babe?" I ask worried.

"Nothing." He says muffled and I groan.

I get the strength to pull myself to get up. My eyes were closed the entire conversation and with my eyes still closed, I slowly move my legs.

I manage to walk over to him. I rest my chin on his head and I finally open my eyes. He's reading an article I can't make out.

He has several tabs open and I can see his previous ones. The overall look of it is just messy and needs organizing.

I groan louder and he chuckles. "I made breakfast." He says and I smile sleepily.

"If you're not weak, can you carry me downstairs?" I ask with my head still resting on his.

I feel him nod and in a sudden movement, I'm being lifted. He's carrying me bridal style downstairs. He sets me on the bar stool and I softly place my head on the cold marble counter table.

"So you didn't sleep at all?" I ask with my eyes closed.

"That's correct." He responds and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Don't copy my awful habits." I say with a little disappointment in my tone.

"I'm sorry." He says and I feel warm lips plant a soft kiss on my cheek.

I smile and let the topic slide. I don't understand why I'm so tired. Calum and I didn't stay up that late and I didn't drink anything because that usually gets me tired.

Maybe I had so much fun that in the end of the day, I was too tired to function.

I finally find myself fully awake and eating breakfast. Calum's sitting next to me watching me eat.

"Do you want me to serve you or?" I ask when I notice his eyes on me. He shakes his head and I shrug.

"About that pregnant thing, I'm sorry if I sounded stupid. It was just in my mind." I apologize for last night.

He faintly chuckles and I smile. "It wasn't stupid." He says and I smile wider.

"Well, then I want two boys and one girl." I sass and Calum freezes. I snort and tell him I was kidding.

He sighs and I giggle. I liked thinking of our future together but sometimes it scared me. Thinking would hurt me a lot of times.

"I like this." I say with a full mouth. I'm talking about Calum's cooking.

"Thank you." He says and bows.

I giggle and continue eating. I notice Calum's serious face and I frown. It's probably because he didn't sleep.

"Seriously, go take a nap or something. You're tired." I tell him and he scoffs.

"Not happening." He snaps and I frown.

"Fine." I sass and finish eating. I get up to wash my plate, utensils and cup.

As I'm washing my plate, Calum disappears and reappears behind me. I got scared and let a little gasp escape.

He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. He starts moving in a swaying movement and I roll my eyes and continue to wash the dishes.

Warm lips make contact on my pretty cold skin sending shivers down my spine. "Maybe if you weren't such a horny ass, I'd be able to do the dishes like a good house guest!" I complain but he continues kissing me neck.

"A horny ass?" He repeats and chuckles. I nod and hum.

I finally finish washing the dishes and dried my hands on a towel. Calum continued to lay kisses on my neck till I spin on my heel and he stopped.

I leaned in to kiss his soft lips and I can tell that he was satisfied.

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