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I wake up take a shower and open the door. Everyone is sitting on the couch watching tv. I yawn and say "morning.". They say it back and I head downstairs for breakfast. I don't get much but when I'm satisfied with what I got, I go back upstairs and sit on the floor crisscrossed eating breakfast and watching tv.

"Michael, what would you do if someone locked you in a room with someone?" Luke asks and I could hear his little giggle at the end.

"Well, I don't know what I would do in the room. Why?"

"Nothing." He giggles.

I roll my eyes and watch tv. Nothing really happens that day besides awkward stares from Calum.

It's around three so I ask, "What are we going to eat?"

"There's something in your room." Ashton says looking at my hotel room.

For some reason I walk in and they slam the door shut. I try opening it but it's no use.

"Fuck." I sigh.

"There is food in there by the way!" Luke screams from outside and laughs at the end.

I lay on the bed doing nothing. The bathroom door opens and it's Calum. I groan and get up. "Really?!" I scream at the door. Neither Luke or Ashton answer so I just stand there and Calum groans.

"I know." He says.

I slide down the door and sit down. Calum is sitting on the floor next to the window. We just stare at each other.

I'm extremely confused and lost. I want to hug him because I miss his hugs and kisses but then I don't. I want the truth behind that stupid snapchat.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Stop right there." I stand up and walk closer to him. I take a seat about a foot away from him.

"I want you to be completely fully honest with me. I want you to tell me everything about the stupid snapchat."

"Is that it?"


He nods and takes a deep breath then exhales.

"I've been talking to this girl and she sent me nudes. I didn't know she would do that. She then demanded me to send her some too and I did. I didn't know they got leaked and I really didn't want you to find out. I was going to tell you but I couldn't figure out how or when."

I sigh and process everything.

"Did you cheat on me with her?" I asked the question deeply wanting to know.

"Of course not. I'm in love with you, I wouldn't cheat on you."

I smile because that's all I actually wanted to know. I move so I can sit next to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and it feels nice.    

I stop and look at his brown eyes and they shine like they've always have. "I've missed you." I say smiling.

"Why? I didn't go anywhere."

"You where here but it didn't feel the same. It was like you weren't here."

"I'll always be here." He says and kisses me. God I missed his lips, they still feel the same.

We don't do much and then Ashton opens the door and we run out of it. "That wasn't the point of being locked in a-" He starts explaining till he sees that Calum and I were cuddling on the couch.

"Nevermind." He says smiling.

His Eyes (Complete Malum Fanic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя