Forty three

45 1 0

Calum drives up to this restaurant and I smile. He opens the door and I get out. We walk in the restaurant holding hands and a lady looks at us weird.

A younger woman comes up to us smacking the gum in her mouth. She leads us the a table and fake smiles while giving us the menus.

"So gays aren't popular here in Australia, huh?" I ask and Calum rolls his eyes at my stupidly funny question.

The lady comes back and takes our orders. When she leaves, Calum freezes.

"What?" I ask about to turn around but he stops me.

"Try to ignore them." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Them?" I ask and he nods.

"Your parents." He says barely whispering when he spoke.

I freeze and swallow the lump in my thoat. I get the courage to turn around and I see them talking to someone. I sigh and turn back to Calum who's chewing on his bottom lip.

"Don't worry about it." I say and place my hand on his. He smiles a small smile.

The lady comes back with our food and winks at Calum. I glare at her and observe her. She doesn't look bad, if anything she looks hot. I know she's flirting with Calum and that ticked me off.

We start eating and talking. I notice the same lady sticking around our area. I glare at her again but she doesn't notice.

"So I was thinking of coloring my hair." Calum starts and easily gets my attention.

"You are?" I ask thinking of a color that would suit him.

"Yeah. Maybe some highlights right here." He says and makes an imaginary circle at the top of his head.

I nod thinking of how good he'd look. "I might color my hair back to black." I say and he smiles. I obviously color my hair often but I haven't really known what color recently.

We start talking about hair color and food and movies. I laugh at our topics and continue talking. I spot the girl walking back and I cringe.

Calum asks for the check and she brings it. I look at the check and make a disgusted expression.

She wrote her number at the corner of the check.

Calum snatches the paper from me and scribbles on it. She comes back to pick up the check. Before she leaves, she reads the paper. She glares at Calum and gives me a death stare.

She storms off and I look at Calum. He's trying not to burst out laughing and I giggle.

"What did you write?" I ask and he starts laughing.

"I wrote 'I like dick, bitch. I'm his.'" He says and I start laughing as well.

He gets up and holds out his hand. I take it and we walk out the restaurant only to be stopped by my parents.


My dad is glaring at me and I try not making eye contact with him. He grunts and I look up at him.

"I told you not to." He says and I squint.

"No, you told me not to step foot in your house. I've followed through." I snap and he grunts.

"True." Calum says and my dad glares at him clenching his fists.

"You stay out of this. Go home or something." My dad snaps and I gasp.

Calum tightens his grip on my hand reassuring me that he's not leaving. My mum pulls on my dad's sleeve angrily.

"This is his decision." My mum says making my dad shut up. He's thinking.

He looks into my eyes and then at Calum. He scans him and then takes a deep breath. He nods and pushes through us.

"It'll take time." My mom says reassuringly before following my dad. I smile and look at Calum. He grabs my hand and runs to the car. We get in and he attacks me with a strong passionate kiss.

It lasts for a while but then he pulls away. He shakes his head and leans in again to kiss me. I tug on his hair and he chuckles sending shivers down my spine.

I bite on his bottom lip and he moans. We keep making out for a while till I push him off. He gives me puppy eyes and I smirk.

"Drive me home." I command and he chuckles.

"Anything for you." He says with his smooth voice and I feel warm.

He's just capable of making me feel special and warm in the easiest ways. He starts the engine and drives us back to his place.

We open the door and Calum calls out for his parents and sister. Nobody answers and he looks at me smirking. He shuts the door and picks me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He stares into my eyes and smiles. We start moving upstairs and then he places me on his bed.

He lays next to me and takes my hand. We don't do much but it feels like the best thing ever.

We talk about stupid things like we did earlier. The topics start getting mellow and the smile plastered on my face starts to fade.

"Do you think you'd be able to get me pregnant?" I ask and he chuckles.

"What?" He asks smiling but then he notices my expression, making him drop his smile.

"I want kids."

"We're not even married." He says and I sigh. I don't know why I'm suddenly thinking of having kids but I just am.

"Look, let's just leave this off for a while. We'll get more into detail later, okay?" He asks and I nod.

"I love you." I mumble and he smiles.

"I love you more." He mumbles and kisses my forehead.

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