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Ah, first day of the eighth grade. I've been waiting since the sixth grade for this day and I have no regrets. Sure I got there 30 minutes later than I was supposed to but oh well. My waking words were, "MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD, WAKE UP!!".

I made it to school and got lost looking for my friends. I was already late so I might as well just go to class. The entire day till lunch was just a blur of boring teachers giving out supply lists and explaining how much "fun" we'll have.

"Michael!" I hear a familiar voice scream.

"Calum, you don't have to scream." I say turning around.

He shrugs and nods to a table where Luke was sitting at. Luke is an okay guy but we've never been able to see eye to eye.

I groan and say, "We've hated each other for a month now."

He sighs and says, "Give me a good solid reason why you can't even sit at the same table as him."

"He stares."

"At what exactly?"

"My fringe."

Calum stays quiet and I immediately feel bad. Without saying anything, I head straight to the table in which Luke is sitting at.

Calum walks over and says "What up Luke."

"Nothing much, hey did we have math homework?" Luke asked.

"I don't think so. But we did have homework for reading." Calum explains. He has several classes with Luke. I have a lot with Calum and none with Luke.

They kept talking about school and such so I personally chose not to interfere with Luke and Calum. I just simply did not want to talk.

School ends and I'm walking home when suddenly Luke shows up and starts talking to me.

"Hi." He says smiling.


He sighs and asks, "Why do you hate me?".

I don't say anything. What was I supposed to say? That I don't like him because of our silent fringe "competition "?

He still looks at me for an answer so I just shrug.

I can feel him roll his eyes and he says, "Well Calum wants us to be friends."

I groan and say, "I'll try I guess."

I didn't feel that bad for saying that to him. It's not that I'm trying to be mean, I just didn't want to talk to him.

I guess I'll have to because of Calum. He's my best friend and I'll do anything to keep it that way. I actually like the idea of us being more than best friends. He's just so amazing and I get butterflies sometimes.

The thought of me liking him isn't a bad one but a scary one. So many things could happen. I don't know if they're good ones or bad ones so I don't want to find out.

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