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Louis and Harry have been going through what me and Calum have longer than us. They understand us.

A while ago, I was talking to Louis and he asked, "How are things with you and Calum?"

"I wish they were easier."


"We're so confused."

"It's okay mate, Harold and I know what you're talking about."

When me and the boys first started touring with One Direction, we definitely noticed how close Harry and Louis are.

We thought they were just extremely close friends but when we saw them kiss backstage, we knew it was something else. I got the courage to ask Louis about it and he told me everything. Having to pretend he was dating a girl and management always looking at them.

He told me about the times they got mad at each other but they still had to see each other till they made it up.

"If it makes you feel any better, we went through the same thing. It sucked but I love him. That's the reason why we kept going through what seemed like hell." Louis said slightly laughing at the end.

I exhaled hoping what he said will maybe happen for me and Calum.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it." I respond smiling.

That day, I realized how difficult it would be to love Calum like I want to. We've chosen to keep it a secret from the fans and so have Harry and Louis. I can't blame them either, they have a huge fan base and they're really famous so a slight slip would mess up a lot of things.

We've also decided not to tell our parents till it was absolutely necessary.

Anyway, I barely slept that day at the hotel room with Calum. It was the situation where I felt tired but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep. I just stared at the ceiling.

"Go to sleep." I hear Calum complain.

"I can't." I say and he turns to face me. I look at him and he gets a little closer.

"Why not? Is everything okay?" He asks.

"I guess I just want to figure out what to do." I can tell he understands what I'm talking about.

"Don't worry about it, we'll just wing it."

"But what if something goes wrong and I screw up everything?" I ask a little mad.

"You won't screw things up."

"How do you know?" I ask facing him.

He just smiles as an answer. I still wait just in case he says something else.

I sigh and look into his eyes. "I just don't want to loose what we have." I finally say.

"You think I want to? I love you too much to let that happen." He says and kisses my forehead. I smile and look upward at the ceiling.

I can hear Calum turning to his side and I try to drift to sleep.

His Eyes (Complete Malum Fanic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon