Thirty nine

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[Michael's P.O.V.]

I wake up just before the flight ends. Which is great! Now I'm not tired and basically re-energized enough to be with my parents.

Once we stepped on the ground, I took a deep breath in. The fresh smell of ocean water and sun from home came back to me. I really missed this place.

In the actual airport, very little fans were there. We didn't really mention that we'd be coming back to Australia. So less fans were here. We all saw our parents chatting.

Our jaws dropped. We haven't seen them in forever. I forget about the rest of the boys for a moment and race to my parents. My dad notices me first and opens his arms. I hug him tightly and then my mother.

The rest of the boys are there now. Each of them hugging and talking with their families. Luke was messing with his brothers and Calum was talking with his sister. Ashton was playing and talking to his siblings. I was just there nearly yelling because we finally saw our parents.

Each of us say goodbye. We decide to go with our parents back home. We even thought about a small get together, just us. Before we left, I talked to Calum.

"We should tell them tomorrow." I suggest and earn a shocked look from Calum.

"Look, we just got back and I really just want to be with them. We should tell them tomorrow." I repeat and Calum grins.

"And we shall." He says and looks around. Probably to make sure none of our parents were looking. He planted a quick kiss on my lips and then walked to his sister.

We say goodbye to each other and go our separate ways. Sitting in the back seat of our family car felt warming. My mum and I were talking about how our lives have been. Just chatting as my dad drove.

I felt more open. That was definelty a strange and weird feeling. As a kid, I was pretty quiet and just not as social. I'd always talk to my parents but I'd still be quiet. So telling them how it felt to tour and getting excited over the little things felt weird.

I ignored it and kept talking to them. They pulled up to our house and I got out just to stare at it. So many memories in this house.

"Aren't you hungry?" My mum said when she saw me standing there doing nothing.

I nodded and walked in the house. I was greeted with the sweet, warm sent of mum's cooking. We eat and chat for a while.

I watch tv and take a shower. I brush my teeth and small talk with my parents. We laughed at lot and I start getting tired. I tell them goodnight and decide to go to bed.

I head to my room and inhale deeply. The room that got me through everything was back. I plop on my bed and pull the blankets over me.

The idea of Calum and I telling our parents still scared me but I couldn't avoid it. Not anymore, anyway. I mean we're actually telling them tomorrow.

It felt like the first time I was on stage. Exciting yet nerve wrecking. I didn't wuss out that day, which is great. I hope I won't wuss out tomorrow.

Calum and I have to do this. We have to. If we don't, we'd probably regret it. I stare into the dark of my room and make out the objects in it. This is a thing I always do as an attempt to fall asleep or stay up.

I doze off to the thought of the perfect fantasy as our outcome tomorrow.

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