Twenty nine

57 4 0

I get this mysterious text from someone I don't know.


Hi Calum :)


I think you have the wrong number, sorry.


No. You're Calum, Michael's ex.


What? He's not my ex, why do you assume that?


I talked to him. Well we did more than talk but..


What the hell did you do with him?!


Meet up with me on the coffee shop down the rode near your hotel by 8pm.

I agree but I'm terrified. I don't know who this guy or girl is but he mentioned Michael. Now I have to go.
Eight pm crawls up on me. I sigh and inform the boys that I'll be out. I start walking to the coffee shop and start regretting my decision.

What if they are a rapist? What if they tricked me to kidnap me? These questions keep bothering me.

I walk in and sit down. A couple minutes later a man the similar height as me walks in.

He sits next to me. He's sorta attractive but I wouldn't date him. His hazel eyes stand out from his black hair.

"Hello Calum." He greets me and I swallow hard.

"Were you texting me? And who are you?" I ask instead of greeting him.

"I'm Brandon and I was texting you."

I roll my eyes. "Did you do something to Michael?" I ask almost mad.

"Walk with me Calum."

I hesitate but follow him. We walk up to the park where we continue to walk.

"Michael is so hot." He says smiling.

I glare at him but then respond with "I know."

"I'm talking about him in bed. He's so hot and good." He smirks.

There's a tree next to him and from his remark, I pin him to the tree angrily.

"Did you touch him?!" I ask pissed off.

"You know I did, he's irresistible."

I knee his stomach and he slightly winces. Then I notice a bruise looking color mark on his neck. Realizing what it is I ask,"You fucked him?!" I'm infuriated.

"Can you be any stupid? Of course I d- actually no. He did." He smirks.

I punch him denying what he said. "That's not true!" I protest.

"Calm down! I have a photo if you don't believe me." He gets up dusting dirt off of him. His phone unlocks, he then looks for the photo then shows it to me.

It's him without a shirt along with Michael who's asleep resting on Brandon's bare chest. There are slight scratches on Michael's back and the purple hickeys are standing out better.

Michael has one on his chest. I gasp dropping his phone. He picks it up and smirks "He's good in bed."

I punch his face and run. My tears are streaming down my face as I run. I get to the hotel slam to door open and run into my room ignoring the boys. Out of force of habit I slip my shoes off.

That stupid mirror is showing me my appearance. I'm barefoot and crying.

I knock down the mirror stomping on it. It shatters while cutting my foot. I jump on it with both of my feet. It's worse than last time but I don't care.

I curl up into a ball and continue to cry.

His Eyes (Complete Malum Fanic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora